Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, September 02, 2024

~ hooking for sanity ~

 Hello there ~

my helpers are here in the office with me this morning:
Ladybug & Grizzly.
 {look at lady's tongue lol}
Lady will be heading back home soon to see her mom {Hannah}
and brother, Willie ~
who again, is holding his own like the tiny trooper he has always been!

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
the pull of the wool has been hitting me hard lately~
I guess the 'ber' months have always been good hooking months for me,
so since it's September......

I started this santa rug a few years ago...
and really do need to finish it now.
{ya think?}
problem is, I can't find the rest of the black background wool that I was using.
oh well., I'll use another....

this one is being worked on sporadically between other projects,
but I can see the finish line since outlining all of my motifs ~
not long before I'll be binding it...

I decided to create a hooking spot in the studio, that will be semi-permanent.
{it will 'disappear' during events & classes}
but I am thoroughly enjoying keeping the wool dust out of my old farmhouse!

those tied bundle that you see on my worktable are from
Diane at Wool-n-Wares on Ebay...
I carry them here in the shop and let me tell you they are PERFECT for anyone wanting to begin a stash or add to your stash-building repertoire
here is her shop link:

~my happy place ~

I wanted to thank all of you for your last comments on my previous post
regarding care-giving, & elder-care and nursing homes.
It's sad to know how many are effected, but knowing we're not alone helps.
Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


TheCrankyCrow said...

That could easily be my happy place as well. There is such comfort in being surrounded by yummy wools, no? I'm in love with your crow and pumpkins rug. Those delicious autumnal colors!!! Santa is sweet too...and I can empathize with the missing background wool issue. I was working on my Welcome Cat rug and rolled it all up and put it away for WWR. When I took it out again several years later, I had no idea what I had intended for where and knew some of the wool was MIA. But I got it done - well, other than the binding. It was weird to discover my hooking actually looked quite different from when I started. Funny how time can change us. ~Robin~

Saundra said...

Today my upper back and knees have been giving me fits. And tho I have arthritis even in my hands and joints are way misshapen they don't bother me so much. Perhaps because I hook every day.
OMG, I adore your Santa. Ya know, antique rugs had blotchy backgrounds so even another dark/black color would work just fine, me thinks, lol.

Betty said...

Santa so cute...he's looking askance...he's not ready so don't worry. Your space/studio/happy place is wonderful. Won't ever forget my visit or your friendly husband. He didn't mind me ignoring him as I tried to take it all in with an occasional nod in his direction. We were on the same page. Really loved it. It had a positive impact on me. Thanks!!
Your helpers are eagerly waiting for their next task. So sweet.

Lauren said...

Your studio hooking spot is just wonderful. Ah…wool dust. It is everywhere.
I do love that Santa!
Rugs and Pugs

Lori frm NFF said...

I’ll end up using what I have for the background ~ never fails that I’ll misplace or forget what wool I was using! Glad to see I’m in good company!

Lori from NFF said...

My mom always said, ‘if you rest, you rust’…so we keep going despite the aches and pains 🤗 … I’ve got plenty of black/dark wools in my scrap basket to use for that background so now I’m excited to finish it!

Lori from NFF said...

And we loved having you for a visit!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Robin in Virginia said...

Santa is looking quite handsome. The crow and pumpkins are looking good, Lori. Your hooking spot makes me smile. Hope you have a pleasant Tuesday!

Lori from NFF said...

Wool dust is inevitable but working somewhere other than the house helps 🤗

3millplainrd said...

I love the Santa, he is inspiring me. I haven't hooked in a long time due to life, cross stitch and quilting. I would love a project for this winter. My mother is almost 93, and I understand how tough this gets.

Düschen said...

Your studio looks wonderful and your dogs are the cutest <3