Sunday, July 21, 2024

~ In the NEWS ~

 Hello Friends & Folk!
...and a very happy Sunday to us all...

In the News:

I'm happy to announce a new class coming to the Studio in September ~

• • • Oak Leaves & Acorns Punch Needle Class • • •

 Saturday September 14th, 2024  ~  10-4:00

I'll be teaching you how I punch using all 6 strands of floss
{in this project we will be using DMC} and we will not be filling in any background...I'll also share with you how I stain my finished work for an old & primitive look...
The CLASS/Kit cost is $30.00 per student and will include:
paper template of project, color photos, weavers cloth,
painted wood frame, DMC cotton floss & 6 hrs. of my instruction.

Please note----> the class/kit cost does NOT include punch needle or hoop/frame.
BUT, you may bring your own punch needle & hoop/frame to work on
OR you may try out those we stock, which are available for purchase.

Sign up for class by EMAIL ONLY at 
 ~ AND ~

join us in December for our annual
~ ~ ~ Christmas Open House & Stitch In ~ ~ ~
on Saturday, December 7th, 2024  10-4:00

once again we will gather together for the holiday and share our friendships and good cheer...
sign up for our Christmas Open House & Stitch In

...see you again soon!

Blessings from the Farm 
~ Lori

Monday, July 15, 2024

~ New Punch Needle Patterns ~

 Howdy Friends,
and a happy HOT Monday afternoon to us all!

it is official,

I am OVER the SUMMER of 2024 already.

no rain, no coolness, too hot, no air.

so poke me with a fork 

I've been a hermit in the AC for weeks on end, held captive in my stitching chair.
but I am having fun lol

just thought I would let ya'll know I've just listed a few new items to the Etsy Shop

this punch needle pattern below is called
"the First Pumpkin"
and I punched it using DMC & Valdani threads.

Peter made the Black Heart Mounting board hanger for me to put it on,
and I love it so much we thought we'd make some for you too.

the heart is called ~
Black Heart Hanger in our Etsy shop...
it is painted on both sides so that way I can mount something on both sides
to get me through the seasons 
without having to change things out completely LOL
{which I'll do anyway, but whateverrrr...}

and here is another punch pattern called
Mary's Pumpkins
yes, another version of my little Mary Witch...
this was punched using all Valdani threads.

...well I'm off to make supper.
Tuna Melts for us tonight, nothing special and I'm definitely not cooking in this kitchen!

thanks for stopping by!

OH!!! & P.S.
I saw that I received comments on my last post, and now they are GONE.
{thanks Blogger}
if you commented, can you send again so I can try to figure out wth is happening?

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori

Sunday, July 14, 2024

~ Shop Fun ~

 Good Morning Friends & Folk!

Yesterday in the Studio, we got together for a bit of creating...

here are a few photos of what we worked on & some show n tell too:

• Anita dyed some aida cloth with black walnut dye
and brought these pieces in to show us ~
so pretty!!

 ...she also was working on a cross stitch project, this one being my
'Bees Knees' pattern ~

• Fran came in for a visit,
and shared a recent cross stitch she finished...
{Fran is a very accomplished cross stitcher :)}

• Sharon brought along some of her knitting,
which is always perfect and beautiful!!!

• Janice made each one of us a crocheted granny square chicken!

...and she was also working on another crocheted  tea-towel topper...
{Janice's speedy hands can out-crochet anyone I know!}

• Nancy's projects shows her love for embroidery...
these are both designs from Kathy Schmitz ~

{Nancy makes perfect tiny stitches!}

 and what did I do?
well, I took the photos. lol
{I did a bit of cross stitch, then turned to my embroidery}

always happy when we gather and create together!
Next Saturday is our OPEN STUDIO
from 10:00 - 4:00

we can't wait to see you again!
bring along something to work on...we'll have snacks and loads of inspiration for you!
see you then!

Blessings from the Farm 
~ Lori

Saturday, July 13, 2024

~ Open Today ~

 Good Saturday Morning
~ Friends & Folk ~

...just popping in to say that our shop is OPEN today,
10:00 - 4:00

If you're in the 'neighborhood' come on in and say hello!
Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori

Sunday, May 26, 2024

~ Dyeing, .... Naturally ~

 Good Morning Friends & Folk!
and a very happy Sunday to us all...
hoping you're all safe, happy & healthy this Memorial Day Weekend ~ 

 I've been saving all kinds of things for natural dyeing, avocado stones and peels, onion skins, flowers, leaves and grasses.

I wanted to just dye a couple of skeins of 'white' {beige, flax, ecru, etc.} colors to see how they would tun out. Mind you, they are not heavily dyed, but more subtly, which is a wonderful look!

I simmered my avocado stones & peels then plopped in the cotton thread skeins...all in the same pot, and let them simmer for about an hour.
 this is the result when still wet:

after drip drying for a little while, I then carried them outside
and dried them in the full sun, turning them and separating the threads a bit more...

and here they are all dried:

you can see the differences in their hues better in the photo above than below ~
I really do like the way they came out!

I made enough of the dye that I jarred it,
into the jar of dye I added one solitary clove
to keep the natural dye from spoiling until I use it again. 
I'm planning on using these skeins in a punch needle project design
that is living in my sketchbook...

~ I'll share that with you in my next post :)
Blessings from the Farm
~ Lori