Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Sunday, September 01, 2024

~ Hello September ~


Hello Friends & Folk ~
...and happy September to us all....

August has been a tough month for us and our family...

Beginning with the oppressive heat, drought and then too much rain & humidity,
our gardens were stunted, then decimated  by wildlife looking for food.
So we threw in the gardening towel, so-to-speak, and let Mother Nature do her thing...
our shop garden, herb garden & vegetable garden are all a tangled mess of morning glory vine,
{beautiful in every color imaginable} and 'weeds' that we have never even seen or heard of before like 'spanish needle' {which of course my herb-crazy hubby now makes teas from}
...So Be It. we are embracing the wild-look!!!
{until some of it dies back and then we will weed, careful to collect seeds long the way.

On another note,
many of you who follow me on social media read previously of a trip to CT last week...
It never happened, we never went. We postponed the trip.
Hannah's dog Willie {see previous posting} became severely ill
and we could not leave him and head to CT
until we knew exactly what was going on with him, and how to help him...
Many emergency vet visits later, Willie was diagnosed with not having ANY platelets in his blood...
we seriously almost lost him ~ but thanks to good caring doctors and lots of love,
Willie is bouncing back again...{he is our little miracle dog!}

and, right before we were ready to leave for CT, on the 23rd of August {we were to leave on the 25th}
My sister in CT called to say that our mom {who is the main reason for going up to CT}
had a very bad fall from her wheelchair and broke her nose and leg!
We are not happy AT ALL with the fact that she was unsupervised and this has happened...

---> you can bet your buttons we are talking with our Ombudsman,
legal council and Masonicare of Wallingford, to get to the bottom of this
{which NEVER should have happened.}
Our Senior Health Care facilities are lacking in EVERY WAY nowadays, and people who are not in the position of having a family member in senior-care, just don't realize the heartache,
sorrow and downright horrors of these places.

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Ok, onward...
my basket below, is filled with Tulsi {holy basil} and boy does it smell heavenly!
tulsi is a well-known herb used for anxiety and stress...
{helps wound healing, aids in digestion, may help with eye problems....}
I have recently weaned off of Zoloft, after being on it for over 20 years due to anxiety & stress issues
and am SO thankful I did!
🌿 Tulsi has been a godsend to me, in both tincture and tea forms. 🌿

I will hang this tulsi to dry, and some will be made into tinctures for our apothecary.
{many thanks to a dear friend for the knowledge of and sharing of tulsi!}

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I'm working on finished goods for our upcoming Halloween Open House, and thought I would make a few little doll-quilts {in my wonkiest-style 'cuz I'm not a quilter LOL}
I did come up with this small heart though, and thought it was quite cute...

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I also played with some spun-cotton, and made a harvest of 'poison' pumpkins...
they turned out ok, but I have miles & miles to go...

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I found this pic on my phone of two small hooked wool pincushions that I made a few years back...
I used mainly leftover scrap wool worms from other projects ~
I love them and think I'll make more for the open house too.

So there you have news from Wobegone {Notforgotten} Farm
❤ ❤ ❤

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


Betty said...

YAY for getting off the Zoloft!!!! I took it for 2 years & blew up 18 pounds in first 2 weeks. Hang in there. An occasional "mother's little helper" now if I just cannot get a grip. Your talent in creating such lovelies, as evident in this post, can also help settle your mind.
Best wishes to you and your fam with all you are dealing with.
Nothing is easy

Anonymous said...

I am heartsick to read this about your mother’s accident. Inexcusable on the caregiver help there, and you are on the right path to address this issue with the higher ups. My mother was in a nursing home for four years, not by choice but by necessity; i ended up staying those years down in alabama at her townhome, which was just down the road from the nursing home, and went to be with her for several hours of every one of those days when i wasn’t out of town. It is a very stressful thing to turn one’s beloved parent over to the care of those who aren’t family, but we often have no choice. I am grateful that you can go visit with her and keep an eye on the situation. remember to get some rest for yourself, and congratulations on the zoloft removal from your regime. i’ve tried before, and failed!! kudos to you!!! xoxo

Rugs and Pugs said...

Happy to hear that Willie is on the mend but so sorry to hear about your mom. Praying she will recover quickly from the injuries and you can get some answers as to why/how this was allowed to happen. Totally inexcusable!
Happy to read that you have been able to stop taking your Zoloft. I hate taking drugs but at my age need them for thyroid and cholesterol issues ;-( This growing old is not for sissies.
Fun creations of always!

Cheryl said...

Senior care is not good in this country. Care for the developmentally disabled and the mentally ill is also very bad. Myself and a sibling are the guardians of another sibling who is developmentally disabled and has mental health problems. We’ve been kicked around by the system for years. Just when you think you’ve got a handful on it the system throws you another curve ball.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Wishing you some peace from the all the stressors that have been raining down on you my friend. Scary business about Willie but glad he is once again on the mend. And I'm so very sorry about your mum. Mine was in assisted living for several years prior to her passing and it was gut-wrenching. Truthfully, I cannot tell you how many times we got calls that she had fallen and was in the hospital for some broken bone or another. They had alarms on her bed, etc., but she still would fall. Riddle me that. You're so right - the quality of care for our elderly is sorely lacking. We actually had to make appointments to see her - we couldn't just drop by if we happened to be in town (I lived 45 minutes away). It often made me wonder if they did that solely to be able to make the resident "presentable" when a visitor came... It still hurts my heart. Would like to know more about the Tulsi basil...and the tincture you make and how you use it. I make goldenrod tincture - is it the same process? ~Robin~

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Thank you Betty! I feel SO much better off of 'the stuff'!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

tank you for your comment and kind is very hard to keep positive with my mom being 500 miles away...lots of stress on the family {her children} for sure.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Hi~ thanks for your comment's the pits worrying about mom! and of course Willie too <3 ~ been a tough time getting off the meds but finally feel good!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Hi Cheryl! thanks for your is awful! too many things to mention have happened since mom has been in their care...very very sad. Best wishes for your family too <3

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Hi Robin! ~ thanks for your comment...yes, the tulsi tincture is the same as others...steeping fresh in 100 proof for 6 weeks! for tea, dry the herb leaves and store in a glass jar. The situation with mom is awful and I cry every night. it surely is a bizarre world we live in now isn't it?

Nancy said...

Oh, Lori, I am so sorry for all this pain. My mother fell, and she used her alert button around her neck to notify the office. An ambulance rushed her to a nearby hospital, but no one contacted me!!! It wasn't till the next day. I was so angry, I let them know! The hospital staff wasn't much better. She passed away one week later, due to toxemia. What's a caregiver to do?!
Your dear mother knows you love her.

Saundra said...

Glad Willie Nelson is on his way to recovery and so sorry for your mom's fall. I pray that a nursing home won't be in my future and am thankful my son and DIL still lives close to me.
Wish I was more knowledgeable about herb cures and which to grow. But heck, I can't seem to handle the overgrowth of the poor plant selections chosen when we moved here in 1997,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that happened to your mom and family!!!!

Robin in Virginia said...

I am sorry your trip to CT was postponed, Lori. I am glad that sweet Willie is on the mend. I am sorry your mama fell and broke her nose and leg. I am praying she is on the mend and you all get answers to your questions about her care. Thinking of you.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

thank you my dear friend ;)

NMK said...

Oh my goodness ...I have been very busy with a fun family reuion for the past several days and didn't get to check on my phone and computer with recent news.
My heart aches for you and your poor Mother ....we know all about the lack of care at nursing homes , not enough money goes into the care of our loved ones and is disgusting . I hope you can shake them up where she is and things will improve.
And your daughter's poor Willie , so scary , but happy to hear he is feeling much better now .
Love all your wonderful hooking projects !!!
Have fun creating heals our hearts ....

marly said...

So sorry to hear of your mom's fall. Hope she will get pain relief so she is comfortable. The facility my sis was in was outstanding but they just couldn't have an eye on everyone all the time. They had social/puzzle areas around the nurse stations and wheeled many residents there to monitor. They were prohibited from any chair or bed restraints. My FIL was a troublemaker and they had an alarm that sounded when his butt left the cushion. Scared the heck out of the whole floor! Glad they diagnosed poor Willie and he is on the mend.