Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

~ Been a Minute ~

Hey there hi there ~
and a very happy first day of Autumn to us all....

~ if you have been a long-time follower, you know that I'm an autumn girl.
If you're new here, now you know!

my soul is filled with vines and berries, turkey feathers and mushrooms...
my veins liken to those found on ancient oak leaves,
and I crave walks in the cool, deep woods and weathered fields this time of year.
my ears are tuned to the owls' hoot and the scents of fall 
fill my lungs with an earthy-spice like no other. can love your springs and summers ~
i'll humbly take the remains of those seasons and slip into a sweater and my old boots
and crunch my way along paths of crispy leaves and stinging frost.

gathering chosen treasures while harvesting sassafras roots
to make syrups for cold-weather coughs and colds...

...the foliage of our sassafras this year is gorgeous.


if you're a follower of mine on FB or IG
then surely you have read about the design in the photos below...

'Farmhouse Sweet Farmhouse'

..i'm charting it now.

((( like, right now... I actually stopped for a moment to give my eyes a break
and thought I would post here since I haven't since September 2nd. )))

since designing it and stitching it
(many moons ago, 2003)
and never having charted it, it is a bit of work
~ due to the staining I did to it when I finished stitching it...

thread colors are now hard to make out with older eyes,
plus the staining has darkened even more with age.
and even the bright white aida cloth that I stitched it on has mellowed into a yellow-ish hue.

I'm happy to be sharing this with my followers and friends.
the time just seemed right for it to be shared with those who have requested a pattern for it long ago,
and I love knowing that a fragment of my homespun memories of this old farm
will also warm your homes...

I'm hoping to have it charted and uploaded into the Etsy shop this evening
{fingers and eyeballs crossed}
if not tonight ~ tomorrow for sure.

enjoy your first day of autumn 2024.
walk in the woods, parks, fields or wherever you can outside.

breathe in this new season and exhale the stale past....
Blessings from the Farm ~

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