Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, August 19, 2024

~ this, that & the other ~

 Good Morning Friends & Folk!
...and a very happy Monday to us all ~

lot's of little things going on here at the farm,
I'm working on finished goods for our
Halloween Open House & Stitch In 
here in the shop/studio on Saturday October 5th...
{pre-registered stitch in is full, but Shop will be open for your retail therapy}

In-between that, we are babysitting our grand-dogs
while Hannah has some work related trips to make...

 here is tiny old-man Willie Nelson {Italian Greyhound}
...remember me telling you earlier this year about Willie's spinal injury/surgery and
how he was literally paralyzed and couldn't hardly lift his head?

well you just can't keep a good dog down ~ he is walking and getting around
so well!!! we believe that it is a miracle he is up and ambulatory on his own.
{of course with us, but especially his mama Hannah providing as much love, prayers,
comfort and therapy as we could} seems as though his risky surgery was a success!

this of course, is Grizzly...
Griz now lives with us, as having three dogs 
{and especially since Willie's special needs}
became too much for Hannah
and we happily offered to keep him for her....
~ after all, he IS another of Pepper's grown 'puppies'
so now he is with his back where he was born,
and with his 'real' mama, brother and sister

and this is Lady ~
a rescue beagle found roaming the streets of Richmond,
~ that Hannah took in and saved her little life.
this one is a goof-ball...she is sweet and kooky,
and we do love her little face and freckles!

if you've visited our IG or FB pages lately,
you would have seen the video-tour of our shop/studio,
and how hard Peter has been working to make things more organized and helpful to me...

He is in the process of building me a brand new {another} cutting counter in the studio...
this one will be full of beautiful Lanacot wools that I personally
can't wait to get my hands on!
the two wooden posts leaned against the cabinet base are actually from an old
spool-rope bed...we've had them forEVER
and had no clue what to do with them
{but now we do and we can't wait to show you!}

this is a hooked mat in-progress...
pumpkins and crows, of course.
I work on my rug hooking in the studio in the afternoons/evenings.
~ doing that in the studio rather than in this old farmhouse helps keep the dust down a bit in the house {right...she says to herself convincingly!}
sure, I'll go with that!
no, really it's just that my sewing room is SO FULL of other things to do at the moment
and I love the light in the studio, so.....

the next two photos below are of a band of Goldfinch or 'distelfink'
{if you're familiar with PA German}
if you're unfamiliar,
their name comes from the Pennsylvania German word for "goldfinch," dischdelfink.
That word has two components:
dischdel, meaning "thistle," and fink, meaning "finch."
{now you know}

...they gather in our backyard every morning...

we think they like the salt that comes from our water-softener tank
{don't worry, we checked with our vet to see if this was safe
because the rabbits, squirrels and deer do this here too}
it's all good.

can you spot them all? the males are the bright yellow chaps wearing their best summer colors,
while the females are more of a lime-green and harder to see....

I love to hear their conversations amongst themselves, like small chittering
and whistling children!

and these two:
Hannah & Marcus...
my two favorite people

taken last week at a wedding in MD ~

 so there you have it, 
a narrated photo drop of-sorts...

~  just a glimpse of our happy life in general!

wishing you a beautiful Monday, surrounded by everything you love,
and those who love you most...
Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


Saundra said...

We rug hookers do need good light and lots of space. Never heard of Lanacot wool is that a wool mill??
Didn't realize goldfinch were known by distelfink too. Now I know. Hannah has your smile. We had a Rottweiler who had to have spinal surgery and it was quite expensive. But that's what we do when we love our furbabies.

NMK said...

So thankful Hanna's pup is doing great !!! And you have 2 more sweet fur babies to Love ! Hanna looks just like you ! a Happy couple !!!
All the videos you posted of your shop look Wonderful !! And your new counter will be great . Love those old beautiful wooden spindles !
Have Fun creating !!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

The glimpse into your world was wonderful - and your grand pups are sweet. Glad Willie Nelson (love the moniker) is doing so well. Hannah and Marcus make a beautiful couple. She's definitely your daughter. I also absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed the video tour(s) of your studio. Peter (and you) did an incredible job - everything is so neat and tidy and perfectly and artfully displayed. Given the reality that I will never likely see it in person, I truly appreciate the efforts it took to capture the magic and share it. ~Robin~

Robin in Virginia said...

Hannah looks like her Mama. I recognize that pumpkin/crow piece. It is looking fantastic. The grandpups are sweet. The new cutting counter is looking mighty good.

Betty said...

A lovely glimpse!