Saturday, March 02, 2024

~ soggy Saturday ~

 Good Moring Friends & Folk!
...and a happy Soggy Saturday to us all...

it rained most of the night, leaving our ground saturated and sponge-y ~
great for the flowers, not so for the shoes lol.

Some of you have asked me what sampler I used
as the the background to this photo of my latest little embroidered Farm Folk:

I used my 'Eliza Chace' sampler as seen below,
although the photo is a bit washed out ~

here's a better photo showing colors of linen, threads & stains...

This sampler is in my personal collection,
and I've charted it for you!
it was stitched in blue, green blue, brown & black threads
but of course you can stitch it in whichever colors suit you!


I would LOVE to see your version of my 'Eliza Chace' ~
so if you stitch it and share it on IG or FB, kindly tag me @notforgottenfarm 

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori

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