Wednesday, January 17, 2024

~ Lucky O'Green ~

 Hello Friends & Folk!
here's another little cross stitch design for you.....
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"Lucky O'Greene" ~ designed by Lori Brechlin for Notforgotten Farm™
....oh what a kindly little fellow, all bedecked in his dandy tophat & very best coat-tails! ~
{{and look!! --- he has a couple of bunches of shamrocks for you to make wishes upon}}

another small, quick-to-stitch design for you to display...
I chose to frame mine in a 5" x 7" frame that I painted black, but you could also finish yours
into a sawdust-filled pillow like my Carrot Top or Cinder Klaus patterns {see their separate listings}

my model shown in photo was stitched using DMC threads, one strand of floss over two threads onto natural Osnaburg which I walnut stained.
{{{ natural Osnaburg can be found in most fabric shops or other stores carrying quilters fabrics and/or utility fabrics...}}}

More new cross stitch is one the way my friends!
Thank you for your kind support and friendships...


Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


Lauren said...

He is sweet ☘️
Lauren…Rugs and Pugs

Nancy said...

Aye and begorrah! Darlin' little fella!!💚💚💚💚🍀☘️🍀

TheCrankyCrow said...

Another winner...I'm loving your new smalls...each and every one. I just need to catch up (and stitch/finish faster!) ~Robin~

Robin in Virginia said...

He is adorable. Makes me smile on this nippy morning!

Düschen said...

So cute, Lori !!!!<3

Betty said...

A dapper little fellow indeed! Very cute!

Prims By The Water said...

Am loving your new patterns. I just finished "Very Little Is Needed" and framed it. Now it is on my wall above our fireplace in our keeping room. Janice

Anonymous said...

Love the yarn you choose for making a scarf.