Thursday, May 23, 2024

~ Photo Drop ~

☀ Good Morning ☀
~ some randomness from my phone ~

 hoping your day is filled with peace & creativity!
Blessings from the Farm 
~ Lori


Saundra said...

Was the bird injured or is it your daily visiting friend?

Betty said...

I hope your day is filled with the same!

Robin in Virginia said...

What a wonderful assortment of pictures, Lori! Love the one of Griz; he looks so peaceful.

NMK said...

You take some of the best pictures !!!

Tammy said...

Oooooh Lori! A Luna Moth so early in the season? Maybe it's not as early as I thought! It's gorgeous. I manage to snap a pic of one every other year it seems. Lovely photos, I just want to snuggle that pup you have. May you have a wonderful holiday weekend!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Fantastic "drop!" Love your little JOL man fella necklace and pretty Billy! And that bird in hand!! What kind of bird is it? I absolutely love that! ~Robin~