Sunday, May 26, 2024

~ Dyeing, .... Naturally ~

 Good Morning Friends & Folk!
and a very happy Sunday to us all...
hoping you're all safe, happy & healthy this Memorial Day Weekend ~ 

 I've been saving all kinds of things for natural dyeing, avocado stones and peels, onion skins, flowers, leaves and grasses.

I wanted to just dye a couple of skeins of 'white' {beige, flax, ecru, etc.} colors to see how they would tun out. Mind you, they are not heavily dyed, but more subtly, which is a wonderful look!

I simmered my avocado stones & peels then plopped in the cotton thread skeins...all in the same pot, and let them simmer for about an hour.
 this is the result when still wet:

after drip drying for a little while, I then carried them outside
and dried them in the full sun, turning them and separating the threads a bit more...

and here they are all dried:

you can see the differences in their hues better in the photo above than below ~
I really do like the way they came out!

I made enough of the dye that I jarred it,
into the jar of dye I added one solitary clove
to keep the natural dye from spoiling until I use it again. 
I'm planning on using these skeins in a punch needle project design
that is living in my sketchbook...

~ I'll share that with you in my next post :)
Blessings from the Farm
~ Lori

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