Friday, July 14, 2023

~ the slowest stitching ~

Good morning friends and folk!
Happy Friday to us all….

The rain, the heat and the humidity lately
have me holed up indoors, which I’m not fond of.
i would much rather be outside enjoying the birdsong, bees-song and garden!

I have been super focused on creating my new patterns for 
Halloween and Autumn ~ 
{punch needle, cross stitch and of course embroidery}
And also finished goods for our
Halloween Open House and Stitch In
Here at the farm on Saturday October 7th
~ that I really just need to create something to soothe my soul.

So, I dug through my scrap piles, found some stained osnaburg and just started stitching…
no plan, no pattern ~ no thinking about the design at all.
~ slow stitching my way to serenity ~

the Slow Stitch movement has been around for a while…
and many of you do practice this freeing form of thread-therapy,
{which is what I like to call it}

Basic embroidery stitches, happy thread colors and my favorite bent needle
will accompany me on this cloth journey.
i have added some running stitch, straight stitch, French knots ~
And of course a sprinkling of wonky cross stitches for good measure…

where will this project lead me?
i cannot be sure, but it helps de-clutter my brain after a full day of office work, computer work
or any other kind of work…yes, even a day full of stitching models can stress me, 
and yes, an evening of slow stitching/thread therapy can and will ground me.
does that even make sense? Lol

The only pre-thought I have about this project is that
I intend to finish it into a pillow…and keep it on my stitching chair
where I can see it, feel it and use it to rest ~
as a reminder for me to just slow down and enjoy my processes.

On my sidebar, there are links to various blogs where you can see more slow stitching,
….a more organic way of using our needles and thread.

Blessings from the Farm 
~ Lori


NMK said...

This heat & humidity & now rainy days keep me inside too . Has not been a great summer so far !
Am having fun hooking & using my NEW Smart Punch !!!! Love this new tool !!!

Saundra said...

I too have been holed up inside due to the heat and humidity. Am getting ready to survey the property now to see if I need to cut grass before the next monsoon of rain comes thru. At least I'll get some natural vitamin D for a few minutes.
Happy stitching.

Nancy said...

I love slow stitching,'s my way. It is grounding, yes, but also contemplative!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I love the idea of it becoming a pillow for your stitching absorb the worries and stresses of the day. ~Robin~

Rugs and Pugs said...

Humid in Ohio but so far no rain. Yard work this morning was a killer!
My brain insists I have some kind of plan. I just can't go with the flow.

Robin in Virginia said...

Hmmm, I thought I left a comment, but now I can't remember! Your slow stitching looks mighty fine. We totally enjoyed ourselves with you on Saturday.