Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

~ Good Things ~

Goode Tuesday Friends & Folk!

guess what?
yep it's raining.
so wet out that our woods are full of mushrooms ~ 
which of course, have inspired me to make 'something' mushroom-y with my needle & thread!
{stay tuned for that}

In the meanwhile ~
I'm making more progress on my 'Jack's Folly' appliqué …

you can see that I've added a couple of big candy-corn kernels & a smattering of fallen leaves.

hey Jack!

One thing I love to do when doing appliqué is use my long arm stapler
 to hold my pieces to the backing fabric…
really is much nicer than using pins ~ 
… you won't get pricked and those pieces stay-put even when traveling.

The other thing I like to do ~
 is use an old cutting board on my lap in my stitching chair when I'm doing appliqué… 
~ I rarely sit at a table when I do any kind of needlework, so the board acts as one for me 
and keeps me from poking my knees with my needle!

I also like to use a simple clothespin 
to hold the yet-to-be-stitched portion of my project rolled up and out of the way:

neat & tidy

Little tips that help me in my work ~
 perhaps they'll help you too?

I have been using Valdani pearl cotton for this project ~ 
and I like the effect…it's a variegated thread that varies from black to light grey.

almost forgot ~
I am LOVING my new little magnetic metal dish 
that Peter & I picked up at the Harbor Freight store the other day… 
{{we had coupons and got this for free ~ woot woot!}}

a handy-dandy little thing it is 
to keep my pins corralled & scissors handy ~

Here is a snap of one corner of our dining room…
my feather tree in the coffee pot is kept up & lit all year long ~
very soon it will be decorated with owls, pumpkins and other 

~ an eclectic hodgepodge of beloved things ~

 on the Primitive Punch Needle Club:
we have begun shipping kits to club members! YAY!!!!
~ please know that we are shipping them in the order they were received
and hope to have them all shipped out by week's end ~

Our thanks to ALL who have joined!

Hoping your day is filled with all good things!

 ~ Blessings from the Farm ~


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Lori! Fantastic tips, especially about using the board as you sit at your favorite chair. I have a chair that I work in…and that would work great for the larger projects. Thank you! Jack is looking so cute in all his folly, and I so agree about the feather tree bringing joy through all the seasons…not just Christmas! Around here today calls for patience, as a water main burst up the street and we are currently without the lovely liquid. Thank goodness for hardworking street crews! Have a wet and shroomy day!

gracie said...

Lori, you are a very caring care enough to share your knowledge and encourage us with great tips to help us to be better doing what we enjoy. To say thank you does not cover it. You are the best!

NMK said...

Wish we would have some nice rainy days ,,,,it is bone dry here. Fun watching you work on your applique & all your neat tricks ! I am busy punching away & can't wait to start your punch needle group project !!!! I don't want to do anything else ! Ha !!!

Jane said...

If you don't want the rain, I'll take it! It has only rained once since before the 4th of July here. Those are wonderful tips, thank you for sharing them. Now I'm off to get myself a long armed stapler.


elaine allerton said...

Love ur tips! Thanks for them and sharjng so much info and freebies,,, I am now doing a hooked version of big jack,,, will post it when done,,,,
Love ur appliqué, ,,,, love fall colors,,,
Getting excited about receiving my first punch needle kit!! Very excited,,,,
Thanks again, lori,,,,

The Eveningstitcher said...

I wish I known your tips last week when starting a applique runner...I have been fighting with the length and straight pins and sitting at a table...UGH!! Such simple helpful hints!!! Next time!!

Robin in Virginia said...

What a fun project you are creating with needle and thread! I love your feather tree. Did you make it yourself or purchase somewhere?

denise said...

Love jack! Can't beat for the pattern! Can we order the wool from you?

Unknown said...

Love your applique. Thanks for the clothespin tip. That magnetic dish is the greatest when taking pins out quickly. I have a plastic magnetic pin dish but like yours better! Prim blessings,Martha

Anonymous said...

I started a cross stitch and can't finish it...would it be possible to pay you to finish it?

Anonymous said...

I started a cross stitch and can't finish it...would it be possible to pay you to finish it? Michelle Rogers

Karen said...

Lovely view to your room!

woollabeast said...

Hi Lori! Fun to see you're in your F-A-L-L mode now (with your sneak peek) Jack project! I'm sooo ready for the heat to be gone here & for *crisp days & autumn splendor*! Fun {tips} and ... me thinks that 'magnetic dish' is going to be a HOT little (x-mas giftie item on my list to friends) this year...hmmm?! ;) Can't wait to receive my 1st PPNC kit...yippy! And, just rec'd my beautiful Robin's Blue Punch Needle Station's WONDERFUL, I love it!! (thanks to both you & Peter)! ~~your woolly friend up Nawth, Diane

Janet said...

I know what you mean about this summer and the in Ontario, Canada..we have also had NO rain for over a month uggg!...Hope your Doctor's visit goes well....should you perhaps ask about a test for Lyme disease...all this crazy weather has some bugs out in full force ...😊

Janet said...

I know what you mean about this summer and the in Ontario, Canada..we have also had NO rain for over a month uggg!...Hope your Doctor's visit goes well....should you perhaps ask about a test for Lyme disease...all this crazy weather has some bugs out in full force ...😊