Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Across the Miles ~

Yesterday ~
in the POURING rain…
we were blessed with a visit from our new friends
Michele & Pierre Fradelle…. all the way from France!

just look at how cute they are!!!

Michele, Pierre & me!

we found that we had so much in common ~ both hubby's are named 'Peter'
{Pierre is French for Peter}

Michele, 'my Pierre' & me!

we learned that not only do Michele & I have a common love for needlework,
but our husbands are both Architectural Engineers :)

so that meant lots of talking, {and laughing} even though we don't speak enough French 
to even get lost in France ~
Michele spoke English as beautifully as she & Pierre spoke their beloved language!

Michele & I on the porch swing

Even though she is a 'quilteuse' {quilter} ~ Michele wanted to hook a rug, 
and asked if I had any patterns of a Black Lab, which I did!
 so I helped her color plan & choose her wools ~ 
she wrote down every little detail in a beautiful scripted handwriting, in French of course…
and we laughed a little more, at my pitiful attempts at counting and naming colors in French.

She then gifted me with two antique French Lyon Wool thread cards ~
PERFECT colors for me!

and if that was not enough kindness bestowed upon me,
she pulled this beauty from her sack:

a vintage embroidered French dresser scarf done in beautiful blue ~
I immediately told her I will make it into a curtain for the shop's front door, 
and that way I will think of her every time I'm in the shop :)

Michele then went back to her satchel, and pulled out this:
a vintage punched-rug of a Buck with glass eye!

~AND this! ~

beautifully punched kitten floral pillowcase done on black satin ~
he {she} has glass eyes too!

We traded the Black Lab pattern & some wool for her rug, 
for these two items ~ a fair trade indeed!

**SEE? ~ 
if WOMEN only ruled the entire world, there would be no war, 
only lots of complaining and lots of trading going on!

Merci Michele Pierre & ~ de votre visite, vos dons et votre amitié …
nouns allons vous revoir!!

~ AND ~

Today marks the 10th day in the
Martha Stewart American Made Contest.
Please vote for Notforgotten Farm everyday, six times a day!
{all at once or throughout the day}
until the 19th of October…

Click HERE to vote!

 Being a finalist in this contest has meant the world to our family ~
it means that our hard work and loooong hours have made you happy
which in turn is why we continue to do what we love to do…
~ create from our hearts, hands 
and our very own land.

Yes, this contest is a close one and it is hard for me to 'compete' with friends…
but with your continued support & votes, you will help to make our American Dream come true!

oh! and the SUN is shining this morning!!!
it's always a good day ~ isn't it?

~ Blessings from the Farm ~


Barbara said...

Absolutely a "beautiful" trade.

The Eveningstitcher said...

Wonderful gifts, Lori!! What a nice visit from friends across the pond and then some!!!

Anonymous said...

The world of textiles and needlework is a country of its own, one of which I am proud to be a citizen. What a lovely visit…tres bon, Lori! Yup, I voted, and it is close, folks!

Silent Stitches said...

Always nice when Kindred Spirits meet! Thank you for sharing the visit with us.Have a wonderful day!...on my way to vote! ~C

NMK said...

What a fun & special day meeting your new friends from France ! Just beautiful treasures you received too , with all your creative juices, you have inspired so many of us to stitch, paint , hook & nice for a friend from across the ocean to thank you for all of your kindness.

Mugwump Woolies said...

What a great visit you pics! I love the deer...I am very much into deer these days! Going to vote now.

Rugs and Pugs said...

What a perfect day!
Wonderful goodes.
Hugs :)

gracie said...

How absolutely wonderful!

Saundra said...

What a wonderful meeting of the minds and talents of womenfolk.

Betty said...

Such a lovely posting. I love all things French and have been blessed by being in France a few times. It was wonderful to read about your fun visit. The love of stitching knows no boundaries. Thank you for sharing. Betty