Saturday, September 06, 2014

Creative Clutter

no bombs have gone off in my sewing room ~
it surely looks that way…

an explosion of fabric

rooting through my stuff like a truffle pig!

finding just the right piece of fabric…..trim, wool…etc.

my own little creative corner!

it's all mine ;)

scraps of wool….waiting for me ~ to hook or appliquĂ© 

~ junk waiting to be turned into something unique ~

old frames, glass candlesticks & crusty old tins

this sign hangs here to help explain….

…or in my case a broken sewing machine!

here is where you'll find me the next couple of weeks

I'll be right here…
~ creating MAGIC!

* Blessed be *


Lori Ann Corelis said...

It's perfect . . . I really don't believe anyone can create magic in a sterile environment! ;-)
Everything must me within sight . . . how else might it inspire!

Looks like lots of inspiration m'dear!!

Happy stitches!

gracie said...

Looks very inviting to me....

Lurena Sheary Williamson said...

I can never create when my space is clean! Looks like messy heaven to me- enjoy your amazing world Lori- can't wait to see the magic.

kelley said...

looks perfect to me the truffle pig rooting what about your giant savings jug????

Shuttle, Hook and Needle said...

For me the bigger the mess the more creative. What a wonderful space to dream and create in!

NMK said...

Oh ,your work area looks Wonderful !!! All the pretty colors & textures to inspire you !

lms said...

cant wait to see what you create....I am still working on the same projects and wish I could get them done...never enough time....I enjoyed all your photos today..... happily playing at the lake today....

Dogwood Farm said...

And I'm sure you will be creating some magic!!
Let your spirit be your guide!!! :-)
Love that sign and beautiful basket on the floor!!!

backporchcarver said...

Makes my heart beat faster just looking at your creative corner, I love it!

primitivebettys said...

Your space looks clean to me! I've had a tornado go through mine!!!

quiltsbycheri said...

the best way to create! am in love with your PFAFF.....I'm and always have been a PFAFF girl....

QuiltMargaret said...

Your sewing room has the same thing as mine, a bulletin board by the machine with family photos and memorabilia for inspiration !

Raymond Homestead said...

Sewing rooms can sure get messy in a hurry! Love yours!