...she wanted to know why I haven't posted a
'Getting to know me A through Z' post yet...
I told her I didn't think I was that interesting ~
I told her that I have been enjoying other's blogs that were linking to this subject ~
(I especially had to chuckle at a couple ~ you know who you are!)
and getting to 'know' the authors better...
A ~ Anything Goes
...that means I'm usually up for anything.
Midnight Movies. Car Races. Tetherball....really? sure, go ahead & ask....
B ~ Beauty
...I try to find beauty in everything...rust, dust...tattered & torn~
even in those people who don't think they're 'beautiful'
I don't think I have to elaborate much on this one...ya with me?
I guess this word came to mind because I just keep on going...
I try not to be influenced by others'....I try to stay on my own path.
If it weren't for stress, I'd have none...
(just kidding, I lead a very stress-less life)
yes...GLITTER. I secretly love it. I don't use it in my work at ALL, but I have beautiful, vintage salt shakers and sugar shakers chock-full of every color glitter imaginable...
...one day I'll cover everything I own in it...
my daughter owns my heart & soul ~
she's everything I've ever wanted to be in person-form.
she exudes charm & happiness & has the world at her finger-tips...
she will one day change our world.
my mind is a bottomless cavern that hold mysteries and secrets...
my imagination holds the key that will someday unlock it all.
...my sister Jo has been gone for two years, passed from Breast Cancer...
please allow her fate to be your spring-board to get your annual mammogram.
yes, we all love skeleton keys...I have amassed a collection of over 200.
'nuff said.
my given, birth name is Levora...
I am named after my Southern Grandmother on my Father's side,
Elva Levora Thomaston Smith Peters...but you may kindly call me Lori.
Marmalade was the first cat that ever owned me...
He was an Orange Tabby with six toes on each of his four paws (polydactile)
He would come when I whistled for him. He knew his name. He loved me & I loved him.
He lived to be 19 yrs young and succombed to Feline Leukemia & an Enlarged heart..
....please bring your fur-baby for regular vet visits.
yeah I know...it's my business name...BUT..it's also where we live, dream, hope & pray ~
our farm is as much a part of us as is our breathing & creating...I am blessed to be here.
Peter & I are definitely opposites...
I am a Pisces, He is a Scorpio...he has a type A personality, I am...well...I haven't been diagnosed yet... I am a fighter, he is a lover. I want it NOW, He will wait till something better comes along.
when I was pregnant with Hannah, I CRAVED peanut butter ANYthing.
Reese's PB cups, Nutter Butter Cookies, PB & J, PB on Ritz, PB on a SPOON....
Q ~ Questions
I tend to ask alot of these...why? when? how?...I usually get answers, but not the ones I'm looking for.
I LOVE rainy days. Especially rainy FALL days. I can sit for hours listening to the rain falling on my old farmhouse's tin roof and compose a different concert for each rainfall ~
S ~ Stitches
my life is made up of many different stitches....primitive, contemporary, oppulent, simple...
I work with my hands and most of my work is compiled of many types of stitches.
T ~ Tea
I love my tea ~ Green, Black, Pekoe...Earl Grey, Celestial Seasonings, whatever...
If the kettles' hot, pour me a cup!
U ~ Ummmmm........
V ~ See: "U"
W ~ West
I have always longed to visit CA, OR, WA ~
but I am petrified of flying....
X ~ "X-Pect" anything...
I have no idea where I will go ~ where this path of creativity may lead me...
I may design needlework patterns forever, or I may end up as a truck driver...who knows?
I won't fret, Life is for living ~ not for figuring out.
I want to paint my breakfast-nook walls butter yellow...
will you still love me if I do?
...take me or leave me...I'm who I am:
if you have trouble with that ~ you need to lighten-up.
Well said! Sound like a down to earth kinda girl, with gumption to try anything! Keep on stitching. P.J.
thanks for the introduction!!!
Ahhh...you filled me up with wonderful Lori-ness...Thank you for that. I knew I loved your you-ness for a reason...now you gave me 26 more....Smiles & Hugs A-Z ~ Robin
you so sweet and a very lovely person..
thank you for sharing this.
love and blessings for you xxx
Wonderful,open and honest.So you sweet Lori! Warm Blessings!~Amy
You did a great job on that. A fun read.
Thanks for letting us get to know you a bit better.A fun post and love your down to earth personality.Hugs,Jen
V's for you....vivacious, vigorous,votary( a devotee, enthusiast, staunch believer),visualizer,vital,valorous.... I got out my dictionary!
Loved your A-Z's Lori!! Thanks for sharing!!
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