Good Saturday Morning Folks !
hoping your weather is as pleasant where you all are ~
I want to bend your ear for a moment if I may... I have been asked by a semi-local needlework shop, if I'd be interested in traveling to their location to teach a class in
primitive cross stitch.... (how to design your own sampler, color planning, dyeing linen and painting frames...) While I am thrilled and humbled, I'm a little skeer'd too!
my question to you is this: IF your local needlework shop was to have me come teach a class, ...would you sign up for it?
(oh I suffer from such self-doubt sometimes) please let me know your thoughts, and I'll let you know the outcome soon!!!!
Have a wonderfully creative day, my Friends!!
If my not so local shop was having you teach a class in this I would sign up!,!!!! You do beautiful work and I would love to learn this. My local shop is three hours from here by the way!
If my not so local shop was having you teach a class in this I would sign up!,!!!! You do beautiful work and I would love to learn this. My local shop is three hours from here by the way!
I would certainly sign up. I wish you were closer so I could come and learn how to make the lovies that you seem to craft so easily.
AND in the new house I'd have a room for you to stay with me!!!!
yesss this is very nice !
Lori....I would be there in a whip stitch, if at all possible! would love it.....AND by the way....LOOOOOOVE the new banner picture....ahhhh!.....blessings~Denise
You betcha!!!
In a heartbeat!
Robin in Virginia
I would! Unfortunately I don't have a local needlework shop though. No primitives around here either. Thank goodness for the computer! :)
You will do great, Lori! I just know you will!
Oh Dear Lori! I travel all the way from Texas just to visit YOU! You better bet I'd sign up in a minute for any class you might be doing locally. Of course, of course! You go girl!! hugs from Texas!
i would, you are so talented, share your knowledge and your gift
Oh course I would! I wish there was such a thing in my neck of the woods!
You'll be great and I envy your students!
Definitely do this! We have nothing local but...a day trip (or two) could be called for in this case! I would love to learn some stitches from you :)
Yes, yes, yes...just wish there was a needle shop in my area.
Definitely! Wanna come to Florida?!:)
No doubt that I would! I sure wish you were closer. I'd take a class in a heart beat. Would love to learn how to design, color plan, etc. What an opportunity for you Lori! If you've ever wondered to yourself "where will my love of this artform take me", here is an answer! Just imagine where this new journey could take you! Go for it :)
Yes -- I'd be there with the others in a heartbeat! I am a very basic stitcher -- and would love to learn more things. And your projects are just lovely!
Go for it!!
Absolutely!!! Please come to New York !!!
From what I have seen here on your blog...I would most certainly attend a class you were teaching....go for it :)
Oh, Lori.....I would be right there with the rest of them signing up!
I would absolutely love it!!
I would absolutely sign up! I can't think of anyone else that I would rather learn from! : )
You're nutty crazy to even have to think about asking a question like that. HECK - those classes are going to be so full they'll do encores....You are gifted and it will be an incredible experience for others to learn from you!
I would definitely sign up, not only for your expertise in needle work, but also as a person I would enjoy learning and talking with.
I'd sign up in a heartbeat! Go forth and teach have so much to share.
I would sign up for sure. It would be cool to meet the person behind my favorite blog. My stitching buddy would come too. We will go 2 states in any direction to go to classes. We are in Illinois. Cindy Huxtable
In a heartbeat....
Would I, Would I!!!!!!! YOU BET I WOULD. Sign me up right now.
If my LNS had you as a guest stitcher, I would be there in a heartbeat! Love all your great ideas and would LOVE to see what you would teach us. Pam
You bet....teach them!! I'm teaching an all day workshop this month to our stitch group. Teaching to stitch in hand, using muted colors and linen...not the x stitch of the early 'country' eighties. Our stitching group loves the work I do but they can't get past the oh its 'counted' cross stitch', so I want to try to re-introduce it to them...I'm excited so I know how you must be feeling! Go for it!
I would totally be there. Just to sit and hear you talk of your techniques would be wonderful. You are a real inspiration and I'm sure your teachings will be a big hit.
Go for it.
Lori who would say "no" to that. It would be packed.
YES !!!!! Come to New England !!!!
How about you practice a class with us???? We can all webcam in and you teach us and we can be your practice students. I would pay for an online class. I could even help set it up if u needed.
Absolutely, come on down to Knoxville!
Oh my gosh...YES!!! I would love to have you teach a class near me. Lucky girls who are close enough to attend!
Hey....I came all the way down to Virginia to see you and your shop (from Michigan)don't you think for a minute I wouldn't come to a shop to take a class from you! It would be awesome!!
Sooooo...when are you going to visit home (Connecticut) ??? Alittle stayover in Pennsylvania to teach a class would be pretty cool for my customers... are so "down to earth" that just stitching with you would be a very special treat - I don't stitch and I would be first in line to learn!
I would be there in a heartbeat !!
If only I lived local, but I don't think Iowa would be considered so. It would be a great shame to not share, you do wonderful work and I am "jealous"of those that would be able to come because they are 'local' to you. :(
Go and have a great time, what a wonderful honor for you.
The Primitive Window said...
Yes, I would jump at a the chance to sit with others who share this wonderful pastime. We don't have anywhere to take any classes around here, especially with a primitive touch. I am sure you will do a fabulous class, I would be there for sure!
April 3, 2011 8:55 AM
If you were teaching a class in Utah, well I'd be the first to sign up!
Even though I know how to stitch (at least I think I do) I always want to learn more about the craft I enjoy.
I believe you would be a wonderful teacher ~ your goodies you make are beautiful!
If you were having a class in my neck of the woods I would be there.
Good Luck on your decision.
Prim Blessings!
Yep, I'd be there if you were in my neck of the woods.
Do I hear a book in the making????
please teach at a shop in SE PA and I will come! Love your designs! Just bought your hooking pattern- feeding the chickens! Love it!
What I've learned over the years:
Let the shop do the registering and collection of fees. Have a minimum you are willing to drive the distance for or set a flat fee.
Remember you only need to know a tiny bit more than the students to make it valuable to them. The challenge becomes continually increasing your skills to stay ahead.
Call me if you have further questions, my number is on my website: Cindi Gay Rug Hooking
Yes, with tent pitched at LNS door the night before~lol! In NY Finger Lakes we've a wool shop and stitchy shop side by side in a picturesque resort town, wouldn't feel like work to you, that's for sure:)
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