Tuesday, February 18, 2025

~ simple embroidery ~

 Good Morning Friends & Folk...
and a very happy Tuesday to us all.
 ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
we are awaiting yet another snowfall.
with predictions anywhere from 2-3" to 11-13" ~ oh what fun....
so it's been another minute since I've last posted and
in between working on new cross stitch models, I have been embroidering {shocking!}
I love those little X's and all, but they get a bit much having to continuously count them,
so I turn to embroidery to free my brain from math.

I recently made this necklace below,
from scrap floss, a piece of silk ribbon, some osnaburg,
a bit of crochet thread and some cardboard...
very simple to do.

I embroidered it mostly in split stitch, but added small french knots and chain stitch,
and love the contrasting colors of the browns, greens, white & red.

to me, the colors and motif look vintage-farmhouse-y ~
which of course I personally love.

the same crochet thread used for the chain,
was also used to stitch the basket and flowers,
and I used all 6 strands of the scrap DMC floss to fill the entire background
and then the knotted red portions.

I've made these types of necklaces before,
and am wondering if there is any interest in a a class perhaps?
all hand done, so no sewing machine required...
just a needle and thread & fabric.
{oh a bit of glue!}

if you have a group or guild that might be interested in coming out to the Studio, for a class on a necklace
❤ you can email me at notforgottenfarmwitch@gmail.com and we can talk more.

 If this motif isn't your style, I'm always happy to design a special motif
for your groups/guild, so let me know your thoughts!

the teapot is whistling and I need to chuck a log into that stove...
~ wishing you a warm & cozy day filled with all simple & beautiful things!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

 ~Blessings from the Farm
~ Lori



Anonymous said...

Well you know this crew is always up for a class.....

Kathy B said...

Let's try again...that was me

Anonymous said...

ha! I knew it was you! :)

Anonymous said...

you can message me on FB or IG too ;)

Nancy said...

I adore my Sunflower necklace, and this one is super sweet, too!

Lauren said...

So sweet…but a bit far for a class ☹️
Rugs and Pugs

Lori from Nff said...

aww thank you!

Lori from NFF said...

Thanks! and yes, I agree... wish we were closer ;)

Jeanne said...

Yes, please!!!!! A class🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎🤎

Lori from NFF said...

Message or email me ☺️♥️

NMK said...

Oh how I wish we lived closer ! This is just Lovely !!! So pretty & Sweet ......
I hope the weathermen are totally wrong about your snow storm !!! It is suppose to miss us here ....we have 4" if solid ice & freezing temps and strong winds ....Mother Nature we need Spring !!!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh how fun that would be...but, sadly, I'm far too far from you. Lucky are those close enough to participate. Stay safe and warm! ~Robin~

Robin in Virginia said...

This is darling, Lori! I would love to take a class. Stay warm and be safe!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

yuck! ice is no fun at all...stay safe!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

our fences are a bit far apart :( but we can still gather together online :)

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

thank you! I'll see what I can put together ;)

Cheryl said...

Love the necklace! Glad you’re back!

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love to do an online class or buy a kit to make one. I love them!!!

Jo said...

I love this style & your finished necklace and would love to visit your farm & shop. However, distance is a problem right now….perhaps you could do a pattern or a class online we could join?!

Anonymous said...

amazing designs embroidery digitising service *&^