Thursday, December 28, 2023

~ Colorful Threads~

Good Morning Friends & Folk!
and happy Thursday to us all

 Perusing Pinterest during this stretch between holidays...
always finding beautiful things for my eyes to devour!

I just love seeing the textural work of other embroidery artists ~
their curious subject matter and execution of stitch placement draws me in for closer inspection.
those of us that work in thread have common thoughts, but oh how we differ!

I mostly work in subdued colors,
but perhaps during the bleak days of Winter,
I will turn my attention to my threads and choose a brighter, more colorful palette...

we'll see lol

For now, enjoy a few snaps of other's works below:
{these are NOT my work, but others sourced from Pinterest}

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


Saundra said...

I just came from perusing Pinterest too and my focus was on hooked rugs, lol.

DĂĽschen said...

I love the owl 🦉❤️

Nancy said...

Inspiration! Love that Sun...el Sol!!!

NMK said...

Amazing stitching ! I can get lost on Pinterest too , then I get nothing done ! LOL

marly said...

Pinterest! Haven't been there for a very long time. Need to re-visit, thanks Lori!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Fascinating threadwork. The execution in the first piece is amazing. Pinterest is such a huge rabbit hole for me I seem to never find my way out when I fall in. ~Robin~

Robin in Virginia said...

Such lovelies you were perusing, Lori!

Lillian S. Wilmoth said...

These are gorgeous! I love Pinterest too! Maybe 2024 will be the year I learn embroidery a bit better. Maybe even on a Saturday at Notforgotten Farm would be the icing on the cake ♥️ Happy New Year Lori & Peter