Happy November to you!
...this morning was a blustery, chilly but sunny morning ~
I knew immediately that I wanted to cozy up the farmhouse,
so I set to work fixing a big pot of pinto beans for the woodstove...
~ there really is nothing like cooking on a woodstove ~
the scent of the woodsmoke mingled with the aroma of bubbling soup, or stew or beans...
{{ then add to that a cornbread baking in my old black cast iron skillet }}
nothing says comfort more to me than that!
I put the Halloween decorations away, but left my dried arrangements, pumpkins and gourds.
I will bring out my small collection of turkey's, and place them where I always do:
on the mantels, in cubbies and on shelves...
always where my eye can catch a glance
always where my eye can catch a glance
and remind me of everything we have to be Thankful for....
we have so many things to be thankful for.

"Indian Summer" ©Notforgotten Farm

"Giving Thanks" ©Notforgotten Farm

"A Blessed Thanksgiving" ©Notforgotten Farm
Thankfulness comes from knowing that we are blessed with friends like you,
Blessings from the Farm
Thankfulness comes from knowing that we are blessed with friends like you,
Blessings from the Farm
We do indeed have much to be thankful for. The trick is remaining focused on that single truth rather than lamenting all that is wrong. ~Robin~
Especially in the crazy time we live in ....we need to be thankful for all the good things in our lives . Happy November !!!!
I remember those days or nights I and my brother stayed overnight with our paternal grandfather. He had a woodstove he used in the kitchen and remember the smell of frying bacon. We'd cozying up it to get warm in the morning because it was a cold run down the stairs to the kitchen.
Thankful for your reminder and that I have heat in winter but still jealous of your wood stove. :) Your stitched pieces are charming!
Thankful for your reminder and that I have heat in the winter but I'm still jealous of your wood stove. All your stitched pieces are charming!
November is one of my favorite months...it's quiet and homelike. And Turkeys! Such a thrill to see them in the wild! Occasionally, one will stroll into our neighborhood!
Love all the cross stitch patterns.
We have MUCH to be thankful for and must count our blessings each and every day.
Happy November, Lori! What lovely Thanksgiving pieces you featured in your post. And your last sentence "Thankfulness come from knowing..." would make a perfect verse for a design. Just saying! Thinking of you!
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