Monday, June 26, 2023

~ Hello hello! ~

 hey there!
and happy Monday to us all....

I am beginning to feel human again.
a summer cold is no fun at all, but I am on the mend!
~ still being visited by a residual cough tho.

and since I was laid-up recuperating
there was no energy in my tank to even think about stitching {or anything else}
other than staying warm, comfy and rested.

the body was spent, but the brain never sleeps 
so I kept my sketchbook within arms' reach to jot down ideas
 that came to my feverish mind
~ {oh boy just wait to see what I've come up with LOL} ~

as you are all familiar with my love of Autumn and Halloween,
those subjects have been forefront in my mind-wanderings...
while recuperating, I even dreamed that it was Fall, 
and was so dissappointed when I woke and realized it was still indeed, June.
 So now I will dive head first into that sketchbook and begin creating;
there are quite a few things that I want to do in punch needle...
so watch for snippets of those on my IG & FB pages.
We have a boy-kitty friend that we see on our walks occasionally...
he is somewhat-friendly, although he's not a fan of Grizzly.
but oh how handsome is this little gent?

Remember I shared with you this small dough board that Peter made me?
well we will be offering them very soon,
and as a matter of fact one of the above-mentioned punch needle designs
will be mounted on it & I can't wait to share it with ya'll!

I will also be using a few of my antique whisk-brooms in
my finishing, so if you have any that's good if you want to do one of my new designs...
if you don't have any antique whisk brooms, you can purchase them at dollar stores and distress them to make them look old...
and I will be sharing here on this blog just how I do that :)

 Well folks I am finishing my tea, and getting my punch supplies together...
I'm wishing you all a happy, peaceful and creative day!!!
Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


Nancy said...

Hi, Lori! Glad you're on the mend. Can't wait to see what's up in that creative brain of yours! I want that kitty, lol...

Saundra said...

Welcome back to the living and hope your cough subsides soon. Looking forward to seeing your new creations, learning how to age those $1.25 whisk brushes and any old projects not yet finished (wink :) wink)

NMK said...

So happy you are feeling better ! Summer colds are going around and are nasty . Can't wait to see what wonderful goodies you have up your sleeve !!!! A perfect Kitty to visit your farm !!!

NMK said...

So happy you are feeling better ! Summer colds and a stomach bug are going around us and just hope we don't catch it ! I can't wait to see what wonderful ideas you have hidden up your sleeve !!!
A perfect Kitty to visit your farm !!!

marly said...

Glad you are feeling better. And glad it's still June!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Happy to hear you are on the mend!
Oh, can't wait to read your tips for aging new whisk brooms ;-)

TheCrankyCrow said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend and that you jotted your feverish ideas down. I'm looking forward to your new punch's something I keep promising myself to do more of (along with everything else). I certainly have enough old whisk brooms as that was an obsession of mine for a while. Beautiful black kitty...he had such knowing and seeing eyes. ~Robin~

Robin in Virginia said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better and the itch to put your sketchings to needle/thread is starting! Hope you survived last night's storminess. Sweet looking kitty!