Friday, July 12, 2019

~ SHop & Studio OPEN ~

Good Morning Friends & Folk!
the Shop & Studio at Notforgotten Farm
is OPEN Friday & Saturday 10:00 ~ 4:00
If you're in the neighborhood today or tomorrow ~
stop in for a visit, come see what's new in the shop
 ~ bring along something to work on 
and enjoy our cool & bright studio...

Blessings from the Farm 
~ Lori


NMK said...

Love your pretty "Open" sign Lori !!!

Maureen said...

Good day Lori!
The banner your showing on your blog today, with the white house, lady in black dress & top hat, alphabet, flowers, stitchy things.....have you charted this for cross stitch? I absolutely adore it & would love to stitch it!
I thank you for your time & your wonderful blog!
Maureen (Canada)
mgw070 at rogers dot com