Thursday, February 28, 2019

~ A Birthday Gift ~

 In kind thanks for all of the sweet birthday wishes ~
here is a gift from me to thee....

"Fresh Berries" ©2019
 ~ Notforgotten Farm ~ L. Brechlin ~

Feel free to use this freebie to hook, punch, stitch, paint or applique!
I would love to see your finishes of this ~ you do have my permission to sell your finish,
but please no printing and reselling of paper pattern.

and of course, 
kindly give credit in return if you do sell your finish.


Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


My Colonial Home said...

Awww Lori what a wonderful sweet thing to do...we should be showering you with gifts!
A huge thank you for your generosity and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

NMK said...

Oh Lori ...this is Adorable, pretty , sweet , Love everything about this design !!! Wow !!! Thank you Very much for your generosity !!! Strawberries have a special place in my heart. My Mother did tole painting & theorem painting 50 years ago , it was her favorite theme ….then it was my sons very first job at the age of 14 ! He would come home with strawberry stains all over his clothes, the kids would throw the rotten ones at each other ...crazy !!! He saved every penny to buy his first car at 16 ! He is almost 40 now & still has those first wheels !!! I just Love this !!! Thank you again & again !!!

Saundra said...

Thank you...we should be giving you something! I love strawberries and know it must have been bitter sweet designing this when you must avoid that delicious fruit.

gracie said...

Thank you again for being generous with your talents.

Mugwump Woolies said...

Aw heck...I missed your bday...hope it was a happy one. How's your booboo? Hope it is less painful and well on it's way to being healed. Love the sweet pattern!
Robyn xox

Donna Munson said...

Thanks so much Lori...this was a really bright spot for me after so much sorrow from losing my mother-in-law last week. She would have loved this strawberry very sweet of you to share your gift of design with us. Hope your birthday was super very special!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

So sweet....and so very generous! Love your heart. Hope your day was filled with joy and spent with those and doing what you love best. Robin

Jacqueline said...

Thanks you are sweeter than the berries. I hope it will be a wonderful year for you

elaine allerton said...

Happy happy birthday!
Hope it was a good one,,,
Hope u feel better soon,,,
Its a sweet gift,, thank you so much,,,
Have punch a few of yr freebies,,, and are my favorites,,,,
Thanks again,,,♡♥♡♥

Jennifer M said...

Such a sweet pattern from a sweet person. Thank you for all you do. Happy Birthday, hope you had cake and spent your day just as you wish. xo

Anonymous said...

Love the pattern thank you and happy birthday!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Happy belated birthday. Happy your treatments are done and the nose is beginning to heal.

Running with a sharp pencil said...

I dearly love this sweet design! Thank you! I am going to do something with this!

Stickhorse V

Unknown said...

Thank you, Lori, for sharing your sweet little strawberries!
I hope you are feeling well and your treatments are successful.
I think of you quite often as we have been through treatments here in our
home and know how isolating they can be...even though you are going and going!
I just love you and Peter's work..but, try and rest, too!
Hope your birthday was a happy one!

Blessings to you,

Grace Lombardo said...

The design is so sweet! Thanks so much for the very generous gift!

Jackie said...

Thank you for the beautiful pattern! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!