Wednesday, June 13, 2018

~ Midweek Musings ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~
Happy Wednesday to you all!

did any of you get a small glimpse of sunshine today?
{at least that's what I think it is, a big ball of light in the sky?}
yep, actual sunshine right now. as I type.
 oh wait...yep, it's gone again.

How do you like my 'welcome' flag?

here is progress on a new design I'm stitching...
I have named it, ~ but I won't tell you what it is until I'm finished ~

don't you love the thread colors?
they are all Weeks Dye Works threads, as well the linen.
linen is 32ct Tin Roof ~
threads used thusfar are Kohl, Bullfrog, Havana &  Pelican Gray.
(2 strands of floss over 2 threads of linen}

OH! see the look on Pepper's face?
she has been naughty, but she learned a valuable lesson
...chasing a mother deer will get your furry-butt in a heap of trouble!
Peter watched as Pepper ran up the driveway after a doe, 
which then spun around on her sharp hooves and went after Pepper!!!
yeah. never underestimate a mother protecting her child.

'I wuz skeered mom...she almost got my hiney'.

the gardens are lush, due to the rains, 
but also everything is rotted after blooming.
that is so sad. 

Well enjoy your day,
whatever your weather!
make your own sunshine...then share it with others.
Blessings from the Farm 
~ Lori


Anonymous said...

I love your new pattern, Lori...the gradations of colors up the tree are wonderful! And your flowers are gorgeous, but nothing goode lasts forever...

Your new flag gave me a giggle, though my sister just left this morning after a brief visit, and she is the exception to that rule! Although we talk on the phone once a week, we cannot stand to be apart for long.
Tell sweet Pepper I know how he feels. Once while staying in a cabin in the Appalachian hills, we walked down the long driveway toward the edge of the woods (the stars and fireflies were competing for our attention), we heard a very primal snort, and ran up the drive back to the cabin. We figured rutting season is not the best time for us to be in the dark woods, lol!

LaNelle said...

Loving everything on your blog ...Great lesson for Pepper, glad it all worked out ok for all😊 Stitching is adorable....colors are perfect will be watching for name ...have a great rest of your week Lori! Blessings 🌷

Saundra said...

Poor Pepper looks exhausted after her ordeal. She should have known better after being a mom herself.

NMK said...

Your gardens look so pretty & so does your new cross stitch ! Poor Pepper …..

elaine allerton said...

Loving the new cross stitch,,, sooo pretty!!
Sweet face , pepper,,,
Love these flowers,,,,
We are dry , dry,,, got a bit of rain,,, but not enough!
Crazy weather,,, crazy,,,