Thursday, January 25, 2018

~ In Case You Missed It! ~

Good Morning Friends & Folk!
it's Thursday again ~ this day seems to come around quickly lately...
maybe because I'm counting down the days 
~ till SPRING arrives here at Notforgotten Farm?
~ ❁ ❀ ❁ ~

Just in case you don't visit Facebook or Instagram,
I am posting on the blog here this morning to show you 
this awesome Spool Caddy that Peter made 
~ to hold my spools of embroidery floss/thread! 

❋ ∗ ❋ ∗ ❋ ∗ ❋ 

 I cannot tell you how thrilled I was when he brought this up from his workshop! 
that squeal you heard? yeah, that was me!

Here is it,
shown next to our Floss Winder Box ~ 
I wind all of my floss/threads onto these little wooden spools using this box and winder-gadget that Peter made ~ 

He made my Spool Caddy in a Stained finished, which I love!

❇ ✤ ❇


 The Caddy has a compartment to hold my scissors & such, and it also can hold two of our Accessory Spool Stands nicely!

It will come with spools, more info on that later....


 There are a total of 4 racks, that can hold up to 7 fully loaded spools comfortably,
and our spools hold a full skein of DMC floss each!

 ...the ends of each rack hold even tinier spools, 
that you remove to slide on your loaded spool of thread ~

 This is a perfect tool to use with Punch Needle, Embroidery, 
or any other Needleart involving spools of thread~

I'll be adding these to our Etsy Shop this evening ~
{{ they are 9x9x4 }}

Super Fun! 
Super FUNctional!

 Thank you Peter for always thinking of "our" needlework needs

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


NMK said...

OMG !!!! This is Amazing !!! That would just look so pretty sitting on a table top ....just a great idea !!! He gets a Gold Medal !!!! Cheers to your husband !!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought I heard you squeal...allllll the way down where I live, lol! And rightfully so. That husband o' yours is something else! Cool stuff, Lori...

elaine allerton said...

These are gorgeous, ,, wow,, peter is one handy man,,,,
Just beautiful, ,,,
thanks for sharing,,,,,

denise said...

what a neat idea

Unknown said...

Love the spool winder and thread caddy! Love Peters creations in wood!
I’ll be saving up for the spool winder!๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

diane said...

Love this......I don't think I spotted it in your Etsy shop......unless I just missed it. Can you lead me to it please?