Thursday, June 01, 2017

~ Berry Obsessed ~

Woods are filled with the music of birds, 
and all nature is laughing under the glorious influence of Summer.
 ~ Charles Lanman, "The Dying Year," 1840

~ Welcome June ~

and if the rest of this month would remain as beautiful as this very morning is,
all would be right with the world in my humble opinion.

a soft breeze ~ warm sunlight ~ the scent of herbs on the breeze
the gentle sounds of sleeping puppies and barn swallows twittering as they fly overhead...

Life Really Is Good
~ when we stop to realize it.

 I have been a smidge obsessed {again} with strawberries.
that delectable fruit that grows wildly in my garden & can sweeten tarts and shortcakes, 
but also cause rashes and other discomfort to sensitive folks.
Since being diagnosed in 2015 with diverticulitis, 
I haven't been able to enjoy a strawberry due to their abundance of tiny little seeds.
yep, something so very small can send me on a trip to the hospital.

So if I cannot enjoy the taste of one,
I will enjoy them in my needlework ~

The model for the current  May/June/July 2017 Primitive Punch Needle Club
is called 'Wild Strawberry Pin Poke"

all current Club Member kits 
are scheduled to be shipped tomorrow and Monday,
again I apologize for the delay in getting them out earlier ~ and I thank you for your patience.
May was a rough month.

If you'd like to read more info on Notforgotten Farm's Primitive Punch Needle Club,
or would like to join or renew membership ~ click ----> HERE

and for those who may not have seen,
this is how I finished my little 'Mary' Black' work that I showed you recently...
a sewing pocket!

I decided to make a pocket, after finding the best complimentary fabrics here in my sewing room...
and then I had to make a few berries from the leftover scraps :) 

I love it, and I thank all of you who emailed be as soon as it was listed last night! 
wow, some of you are amazingly fast!
this has since been *SOLD* ~ thank you Carolyn ♥
and is heading to it's new home today.

Our next even here at the Farm Shop
 is Becky Noland's class on the 10th of this month...
which was a pre-registered class to make this fabulous project:

"Queen Chicky"

I know I cannot wait to see Becky again, 
and see her amazing designs and other things!!!

• • • • •• • • • ••••• • • • ••••••• • • • •• • ••• • ••• • • ••• • • ••••• • • • •

I am now moving completely into Hallowe'en mode!
which {witch?} means that I will be punching, hooking
and stitching up a storm these next few months...
and I have begun a new sketchbook devoted entirely to new
Harvest/Autumn/Hallowe'en motifs ~ 
I am super-excited to get working on them
and share their progress with you.

ok, I am off to process orders, head to the PO and then back home
 to stitch, punch, hook.... 
~ repeat.

wishing you all a most beautiful June day my sweet Friends!

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


Anonymous said...

Great attitude you have, Lori (in fact, in my mind it's the only one to have!!). When life hands you strawberry woes...stitch 'em instead! There's more than one way to enjoy a strawberry! And Halloween! Yes, the seasons roll on...but keep enjoying the one right in front of you, too...

Saundra said...

Adore those berries from left over scraps. Darn I wish my proficiency with needle punch was as good as yours. Have all the needles, floss (not the wonderful stuff you now carry tho), even have many patterns and the printed design. Just haven't managed to get started again.

elaine allerton said...

Lori,,, such a sweet strawberry,,, cant wait to get mine in the mail!!! So sweet,,,,
Love june, too,,, cool here but we have such greens everywhere with the wet spring!!
Thanks for sharing,,,,,

NMK said...

I can't wait to make the beautiful Strawberry !!!!! Enjoy the Sunshine !!!!

Anonymous said...

Love your header!!! Heehee!!

gloriahanaway said...

Love, love, love berries! So sorry you can't enjoy them. You could have Jell-o or juice maybe and you can always whiz them up and strain them for milk shakes or strawberry daquaris (I'm sure I spelled that incorrectly- I can't drink)! Me jumping up and down when I read you are going into Harvest/Autumn/Halloween mode!!! I should rename Summer- pre-Fall and stitch like crazy!!!