Friday, March 03, 2017

~ Inspiration Friday ~

 {{{and you thought I had forgotten....}}}

Happy Friday Friends & Folk ~
and a chilly/windy/snow-flurry-ish-but-sunny kind of day it is!

... trying to hang laundry on a clothesline
between sunrays & snowflakes is crazy...
~ kind of like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree.

 welcome to another edition of
Inspiration Friday!

I am smitten ith the old tin quilt templates lately...
~ and of course, Pinterest is chock full of them!
I have a few in my possession, but not many...
Miss JOAN, on the other hand....'ll have to wait to see her collection of sewing related stuff :)

onward we go...
these designs that were intended for quilting templates 
can be used as inspiration for any type of needlework, 
but I think lend themselves especially well to wool applique, 
rug hooking & punch needle ~ don't you agree?

such folk art goodness! 
stars, pinwheels and baskets...

scissors, leaves & dogs too!
clover and 'simple folk'....

feathered-friends & fanciful felines...

hearts & more stars, fish & rabbits!
ducks & a corgi? {Nancy???}

just perfectly wonky and imperfect for me....

so naive yet timeless...
leaves, flowers & stems ~
what perfect borders and motifs!

even wonderful swags & garlands can all be used to design
 a new 'old' looking piece of needlework from these ~

or one large motif done is 'silhouette' fashion.
oh the possibilities are endless.
my mind is full of ideas!

 would love to know if any of you have antique/early tin quilting templates in your collections?
I know I will be on the lookout for more to add to mine!

Have a happy & creative day my sweet friends!

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


Patti said...

I have a few antique tin quilt templates and love them! Maybe I should share them in a post...
Blessings, Patti

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, I had never heard of tin quilt templates! Learn something new every day! My mother was the quilter of our family…so many beauties she created. Today is Spring-like…I am headed out to my gardens right now! Have a wonderful Inspiration Friday, Lori!

Krissy B. said...

Love all of them and some of those old frames are fantastic. Really fun.

Cathy G. said...

Oh Yes they are all wonderful Lori! I can see rugs in my minds eye! Thank you so much for posting!
Cathy G

Jane said...

Another original idea for creating something WONDERFUL!! I'm going to look these up.

NMK said...

I have a heart shape one ,my Mother picked up when I was little . I love your top one , that would be so pretty hooked ,punched or appliqued !!! They are so simple & neat !

Saundra said...

OH WOW. I love those!!!!!! Lucky you.

Sandra said...

Yes I do agree. They are all great inspirational pieces!

elaine allerton said...

Awesome lori,, thanks for sharing them,,,, have never heard or seen them ,,,, beautiful treasures,,, cant wait to see joans sewing room,
Wow,,, snow now after all winter of not much,,, march!! Not over yet,, we had a few springlike days but now cold and lots more snow here now,,, brrr,,
Stay warm!!!

Janet said...

If I ever seen these before I guess I didn't know what they were for. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Charlotte said...

I have been on the lookout for tin quilting templates ever since I saw them on Jo Morton's blog. No luck so far. Love the ones you showed. I am looking forward to seeing Joan's collection.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I have a few in my collection but I don’t see a way to post the photos

Anonymous said...

I do. Might sell

Anonymous said...

Yes I have some I think they are on my old blog Quilting on the mon