Sunday, September 25, 2016

~ Something Special ~

Good Sunday to you all 
Friends & Folk ~

I've been wanting to do this for a while now and have finally done it!
I have listed the remainder of my printed Folk Art Notecard sets in my Etsy Shop :)
{link is above}

below is a smattering of the 39 different designs available...

These are the notecards that you've seen published in the much-beloved, 
but now defunct Country Home magazine AND are the very same designs that my sweet & talented friend Kris Miller at adapts for rug hookers for me!

I'm offering them in sets of 6 {same design} with matching envelopes ~ 
~ so when they're gone they are gone.

~ AND ~

I have also decided to open club memberships again to our
Primitive Punch Needle Club {1st kit model shown below}
for those who have asked to join....


I am happily punching away on design #2 for the club kit, 
which will begin shipping in November ~
I'll share some previews as I get time :)

Hoping you all have a wonderfully creative & Peaceful Sunday!

~ Blessings from the Farm ~


kelley said...

I have so many of your cards in my stash...every time I send one they get rave wonder, they are each a piece of your magic...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful designs, all of them!

village folk art said...

I have several sets but cannot part with them... Guess that makes me a hoarder. No matter ... I LOVE them.
Gonna check what I have and see what else I NEED.

Peace to all and God Bless America.


elaine allerton said...

Hi,,,, your cards are awesome,,,,, may have to order some!! Love that ur starting the next punch needle pattern,,,, so enjoyed getting the first one in the mail,,, and did it,,, have it on a stand with my pumpkins,,,,, in a shelf in livingroom,,,,,
Love , love ur patterns, lori,,,,, take care,,,

Summer said...

The cards are so pretty ♥

woollabeast said...

Ohhh Lori }}}you temptress you{{{...we love you! HaHa, this "little internet troll" jumped on your limited ed. special cards as I've owned several of these waaaay back when you first released them in the early 2000's & just adore your folk art! Couldn't help myself..again of course! Now I can "gift" these to some very special friends I know who'll appreciate them ;)

Can't wait to see a "sneak peek" of the NEW PNPC design for your next release! I'm (almost done) with my Merrie Oct. 31st & then just have to figure out how I'd like to finish it & whether to mount it on something old & wonderful or....hmmmm? Will share when its all done.

Wishing you beautiful FALL days to snuggle up with needlework in hand and your woollies on! ~~ ✫*Ѽ*✫ ~~ Diane