Friday, September 25, 2015

Gratitude ~

I know you're all probably getting tired of the redundancy 
~ of me reminding you to vote ~

but please remember to vote!

and with that said, please accept this little token below from me for voting!
 you have my permission to hook, punch, stitch,
 embroider, paint or wool appliquĂ© this design to your heart's content!
"Happy Home ~ Happy Heart" Freebie
from ©Notforgotten Farm

I only ask that you kindly give credit to me as the designer/giver, 
and I would LOVE to see your finished work please!

enjoy this rainy September day my sweet friends ~
~ Blessings from the Farm ~


Glenda said...

Thank you for your generosity!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Voting my six votes for Notforgotten Farm is a part of my daily ritual now. No worries…you all are "Not Forgotten!" With coffee mug in hand, I vote, check Ravelry, and read the paper. Then my day can begin, lol!

HomeSpunPrims said...

Such a wonderful design! You are so generous, Lori. Thank you so much. I think I might punch it. Big hugs, Lori

gracie said...

I have been voting right along, today I can not find the voting page. I did use the link you provided...I will keep trying!

denise said...

I voted today!!!Thanks for the freebie!

Jacqueline said...

I voted today.... thanks for the freebie.

Jackie said...

Thank you so much for the pattern! I've voted every day - your reminders definitely help!

NMK said...

Love this cute pattern ! I will hook it !!! It is fun voting for you !!! Thank you so much !!!!

Fran said...

Thank you for the pattern Lori. I can't wait to punch it. I vote for you everyday!

kstehens100 said...

So sweet. Voting daily for all that you and your family stand for.
Hugs, Kat

Will a stitch said...

Thanks so much for the little design. Will most likely do punch needle. I stitched your recent flower design and absolutely love it. Best of luck in the deserve it!!!

Judy Heartland stitcher

Lurena Sheary Williamson said...

I'm voting daily!! Thanks for sharing the sweet freebie. Enjoy the day

woollabeast said...

I'm voting daily too...Lori! Thanks for your beautiful blog posts, whit, whimsy & generosity... your {Happy Home ~ Happy Heart} is a sweet design, just too many possibilities always! Best of luck in the MS American Made deserving! ~ Diane (Wool-N-Wares)