Good Morning Friends and Folk!
it is with sheer delight that I can now offer you
for my newly released book:
AUTUMN at Notforgotten Farm
published by Kansas City Star Books
Autumn at Notforgotten Farm: Needlework Projects to Warm Your Hands and Heart
by Lori Brechlin
Down a dirt road, past fields and woods, stands a humble little farmhouse. Wood smoke curls from the brick chimney as the glow from within beckons you inside to a perfect spot to stitch. The comfort of handwork awaits you – the rhythm of pulling wool loops through linen, a flash of needle and the tug of thread. There are hooked rugs to warm your chairs and floors, cross stitch samplers to help you celebrate autumn in a quiet, old-fashioned way,
and cotton and wool appliqué done in the simplest manner.
Step back in time with primitive folk artist and designer Lori Brechlin as you create 8 projects inspired from times remembered and a place called Notforgotten Farm.
25.95 + 5.95 shipping
Preorder yours today by clicking on the Paypal button to your upper right ~
If you would like your copy signed, please let me know!
Books will begin shipping in September ~
Have a beautiful day my Friends!!!
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm
I'm looking forward to getting my copy!!
Just ordered my copy. I look forward to seeing your book!
getting ready to order. denise
Ooooh how lovely, I shall order a copy right away!
Love the sampler you made for Christine.... gorgeous.
It's a must have...
What a beautiful book...hope everyone who orders one gets one!!!
If I stitched I would certainly order one...well, I used to stitch till I got into the wool applique...maybe someday when that fades out in my life I will start up stitching again. I so enjoyed it when I did it.
And speaking of that I must get mine out, unframe them and age them so they look old.
And thank you Lori for commenting on my blog. One of these days when Doug and I head south we will certainly stop by your place. We have friends who just moved to Asheville, NC so I'm sure we will get there soon.
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