Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, May 02, 2013

{ a day in the country }

~ a beautiful day...
woke to warm sunshine, & clear blue skies ~
perfect weather to spend the day outside in the fresh air!
so I donned my painting clothes (grubby overhauls) and flip-flops and headed out....


I prefer to paint my folk art outside where I can be inspired ~
and it doesn't hurt that the paint dries quicker out here too!

creating outside always makes me happy...
well, just being outside makes me happy here in the country ~

While I waited for the paint to dry, we noticed that Billy had fanned-himself open
in hopes to impress one of our hens...

she was not.....
{{exit, stage right....}}}
haha :)

I took camera in hand and strolled over to the shop garden
where this beautiful Iris was waiting for me...

and where Peter was working...
pulling weeds and tending herbs ~

in the pic below, you can see something in front of Pete's mouth...
it's actually a Bumbler-bee in mid-flight, banking to the right...

Hello !

I checked the paint, and then did a little laundry...
couldn't waste the light breeze and strong sun today....nope.

everything has turned green...
such a pretty day!

and the paintings are dry!!

some big, some small....
all done.

{{please pardon my farmwife hands...but I love getting them dirty.}}

since our chores were done,
we played for a little bit with our Toby rooster...
he's absolutely gorgeous!

have you hugged your chickens today?

trying to get a snap of his iridescent feathers ~ hard to do.

HAVE you hugged your chickens today?

Toby is so tame.
...a pleasure to have in our barnyard-family!

we will have a light supper tonight,
after our peaceful day here at the farm ~
hoping your day was just loverly too!
(my folk art paintings will be available on saturday here at our Spring Open House)
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Three Sheep Studio said...

What a great "snapshot" of farm life ! Love that close up of the gorgeous feathers. Your pictures are wonderful and 'old timey'.

Stacey said...

Loving it all, Lori~ Oh do I miss the chickens that my girls and Isdohio loved so much! I hope they have them when they have children <3

Diane said...

Lori,I sure hope a few of these little painted treasures make it to your Etsy shop. I'd love to purchase, but alas, live on the other side of the US. Just Love them!

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing your day.

Jane said...

If I had chickens I'd hug them!! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!

The Eveningstitcher said...

Lovely, lovely post, was a beautiful day here in Michigan too. Your folk art paintings are delightful....I'm sure you'll have a wonderful show!

Trace4J said...

Beautiful folk art paintings.
Loved this post.
As for hugging my No!!
He did chase me though.
He must be in a bad mood. :(
Mean ole Moses.
Woolie Joy

Anonymous said...

your creations are amazing, each and everyone, I will say I raised chickens for 38 of 47 years but never hugged a one, they really weren't huggy pets but some were definitely friends, yours are beauties for sure,
I feel bad to say this but I did eat one for supper, (sorry)

Phyllis said...

Your paintings are very nice! You have such a pretty place to work too!

marly said...

What beautiful feathers on your handsome boy. How peaceful your day looks. You should set up tents and have slumber camps for stitchers!

Lori Ann Corelis said...

What a "Picture" perfect day!
I'm without a chicken to hug, but I hug Lacy Lu and she helps me in the garden!
I know that color of hands, hard working hands . . . mine looked the same when I was digging compost into the veggie beds.
Thank you for sharing your day!
Lori Ann

Saundra said...

Your art work, pictures and rooster are delightful to look at as I start my day.


Theresa said...

Love the new paintings Lori!!!! Especially the little one in your hand...just beautiful!!!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Lovely way to spend the day. Thanks for inviting us along!

Mouse Droppings Folk Art said...

Lori your paintings are the diminutive size of interesting to see the your blank canvases...then the finished products...thanks for sharing! Susan

Cindy said...

Beautiful Billy!
Can't beat the quiet country life! I grew up in the country and was so glad when we finally got to move to the farm here.
I always enjoy your pics!

Anonymous said...

Lori you are so amazing,your work is absolutely beautiful.

Heritage Homestead Decor said...

Oh Lori I just love you!!!! Your posts always make me feel that everything in the world is wonderful. What a wonderful life you have there!!! You have many blessings and may you have many many more. Thank you so much for making me feel so wonderful!!
Sending you many hugs my beautiful friend

Deb said...

What a beautiful day on your beautiful farm and love your paintings, they are wonderful! Toby is lovely, his feathers are gorgeous, gives Billy a run for his money! Deb

acorn hollow said...

Looks like a wonderful day.
I love your paintings. I have been working in the gardens too everything is just starting to come to life here.
have a great weekend.

Linda said...

You are so multi-talented. Love love LOVE the paintings! All of them!
Chickens are pretty - but I don't think I would hold them. I'm too chicken - ha!

Linda in VA