Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cat Paparazzi ~

He BEGGED me...
"MOM!...Take my Picture!!!"
and I, always ready to please Him ~ complied...
do I have your attention?
 HE thinks he's larger than life ~
(well, he is large)
you may adore me now.
 He is constantly posing and grooming ~
always ready for the camera...
and no, he isn't shy.

a little pride would be nice...
really Ig?
 and if you don't like him or how he operates,
.....razzzzberries to you then.
 He will just continue on...Iggy being Iggy.
A Legend in his Own Mind.
Made Famous by me,
his personal photographer.
no shame at all.
 oh ~ you Handsome Devil.
you have me wrapped around your paw and you know it.

ready for my close up please ~
it's not an easy job either...
but I am committed (ha, or maybe I SHOULD be committed!)
to him and his never-ending demands of fame ~

Hoping you all have 'someone' that makes you smile today!!
Blessings from Notforgotten Farm...


Purple Pixie Dust said...

You don't have a cat you have a ham but we love him. lol lynda from New Brunswick, have a great week.

cucki said... cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee

martha doe said...

I just love "Iggy". He's adorable! I, too, have a 1 yr. old red tabby, O'Brien that we rescued as well as a white 8 yr. old, Wilky Bard and a 14 yr. old Rag Doll, Hunter. They also like their pictures taken.

They love to watch Cat TV on "U-Tube" They especially like the birdies and squirrels videos!LOL

Another girl from New England,

jennifer768 said...

Iggy the adorable! What fun pics.Thanks so much for it is always a joy to see Iggy.Hugs,Jen

Pat said...

Hi there Iggy -

I'm a gorgeous, sweet little Tuxedo lady. I could ask my "person" to bring me down to meet you if you'd like. You just tell your "person" to get in touch with my "person" and we'll see what we can arrange. You're one handsome furry ball!!! Purrrrrr......

Mizz Clancy

Gail said...

I wish I could stretch like that.

Unknown said...

Heehee! What a ham is right. The first one makes me think of opera singing. That really made me giggle. Oh, and Gail... I hear ya about the stretching it. I think I pulled a muscle looking at the cat...

Thank you for such cute pictures to make us smile!!!!!


Lynn D said...

I really love that cat! I remember when you got him. I knew he would be special.

Chris said...

Iggy is a rock star!!

My Colonial Home said...

You are my first blog visit this morning and what a better way to start my day with a giggle...oh how I loved this post - your captions were also very fitting...
Thanks for such a fun post.

susiedele said...

What a Sweetie Boy. Love the raspberries shot.

Raymond Homestead said...

Lol, enjoyed this post!

Anonymous said...

Very cute :-)