Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

On my Worktable ~

If only I had these many hands...
I could put them to good use working on my new finishes for my upcoming shows!!

I am in full-swing Autumn/Hallowe'en mode...
and I am loving it ~ really is my favorite time of year,
and creating for that certain time really gets my creative juices flowing.

old flourcloth has been used for the hands you see here,
and they will be stuffed with cotton batt ~

the little fabric circles are waiting to be stuffed with sawdust and dried herbs~

~ then everything will be stained and aged and finally put-together.

I'll share the finish with you tomorrow!!

Thanks to those who have contacted me regarding my pattern book in progress...
I should be releasing it mid August and will announce it's release here on the blog.
I'll be sending the new Hallowe'en cross stitch designs out to Starr & Faye for their expert stitching...
as soon as I get them out, then get them back from these two talented stitchers,
I will release them ~

The names of the 2 new Hallowe'en cross stitch patterns are:
Sisters of the Broom
Stove Pipe Hill

have a relaxing evening my friends ~
Blessings from the farm,


cucki said...

Enjoy your day..your new pattern name sound so cute..
Hugs xxx

Saundra P said...

I can hardly wait for the book as well as seeing your new creations in progress.


The Wool Cupboard said...

Can't wait to see finished creation, Lori. Also, am in anticipation of your design much to look forward to!


Debra W said...

Hi, Lori,
I look forward to your book release, and to purchasing a copy!Your creations are wonderful, and I so enjoy filling my home with your designs! Hugs, Debra

Jean Bee said...

I love the banner today - I check your blog every day and partly just to see the banner you have!
Can't wait for your book!! Going to do some needle punch since I've seen your patterns made up on the Simply Quiet blog.

Can't wait to see your finish tomorrow!

Jean Bee said...

Oops, in my comment above I said the Simply Quiet blog, it's The Simple Quiet!

prims by olde lady morgan said...

as alwasy yo busy girl! I always love seeing how you change up your blog! OLM

Lori Ann Corelis said...

What fun!! If you make extra hands do they really help out? Can they sew??
Can't wait to see them finished.


Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Looking forward to seeing what your up too!
Love Halloween too ~ waiting patiently for the arrival of your newest patterns!
Prim Blessings