Friday, October 07, 2011

About THAT frame....

Oh My....
have you all seen Stacy's new
Colonial Christmas Sampler & Pinkeep?

it is a beautiful, simple and elegant holiday design...


I'm thrilled that she has presented her model for her sampler
in one of my hand-comb-painted frames....

I've received several emails regarding 'that frame' !!!
I will have them made up for your enjoyment,

but not until my return from CT, the week of October 16th ~

IF you would like to pre-order yours, please email me at
the frames are 5" x 7" (opening)
and no two are alike, although yours will be similar
in color and execution to the one shown,
to compliment Stacy's palette choice....
they are $22.00 each + $4.95 priority shipping shipping

Thank You sweet Stacy,
~ for bringing my little frame to life with your wonderful handwork!!
and Thank You Friends for your interest in my frames!!

blessings from the farm,



TheCrankyCrow said...

Your frame is a perfectly beautiful compliment to Stacy's perfectly beautiful stitchery....Two lovelies by two of my favorite artists.....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Hi, Lori, we love your artwork on the frames. Combing and feathering and faux graining on wood is such a time-honored craft and you are very talented. Thank you for keeping it alive.
Warm Regards,

cucki said... too i love the frame so really very talented..hugs cucki xx

Prims By The Water said...

Your frame and that picture compliment one another very well. What a joy looking at it. Take care, Janice