...in the year 1797...
(when I was 16, I was just beginning what would be my cross stitching career!)
I love to study old samplers ~
their colors, the motifs...the mistakes.
especially the mistakes!
those are what makes handwork so dear to my heart...
can you imagine a little girl of 6 or seven undertaking the daunting task of completing
such tedious work without making a mistake?
that's what humbles me...
I love to study old samplers ~
their colors, the motifs...the mistakes.
especially the mistakes!
those are what makes handwork so dear to my heart...
can you imagine a little girl of 6 or seven undertaking the daunting task of completing
such tedious work without making a mistake?
that's what humbles me...
so it is with those thoughts that I stitch without a pattern,
just stitching along to the thoughts in my head and
seeing what appears before my eyes in thread .
just stitching along to the thoughts in my head and
seeing what appears before my eyes in thread .
if perhaps, what i am stitching at-the-moment will become a pattern for sale,
then I will do my best to put a mistake in there,
just to keep us all grounded.
the Amish needlewomen purposely
add what's known as a
"Humility Patch"
to their quilting...
they are known for their impeccable stitching and because of that
feel the need to humble themselves by adding a block or some stitching that is a little
'off'....because they believe only their Maker to be Perfect.
add what's known as a
"Humility Patch"
to their quilting...
they are known for their impeccable stitching and because of that
feel the need to humble themselves by adding a block or some stitching that is a little
'off'....because they believe only their Maker to be Perfect.
what a beautiful way to live...
a little wonky is Perfect in my book!
a little wonky is Perfect in my book!
hoping your hands stay busy & your heart stays full.....
That sampler is just incredible. I wish that someone would chart that. And I've always followed the Amish philosphy - I don't stress over my mistakes because only God is perfect! And you're right, a little wonky is okay!!
What a great post...love the sampler.
Thanks so much for sharing this.
I love the Sampler !
Marylin de FRANCE
I love that verse!!! Going to have to stitch that, or at least part of it. To stitch the whole thing would be huge :)
I love old samplers - for the same reasons. Funny - my maternal grandmother was Pennsylvania Dutch - and they had the same practice - working something at least one intentional mistake into their work so as not to try to outshine the only perfect One....It always gave me comfort when I found an error (or more!) in my work - I never had to add one intentionally! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
Love this post too Lori. That is some kinda sampler! I make mistakes all the time, especially in my samplers and I leave them. I, like the Amish, feel humbled in my work and give all the credit to my Heavenly Father for any talent he has given me.
What a beautiful post and sampler. I for one would buy this pattern...
Such a pretty piece - and from my neck of the woods too!!!
This work is just stunning! I too am so humbled and amazed with what these young women were able to do! I've tried to cross stitch but although I adore the look, I seem to have zero patience and the wrong sort of attention to detail. I guess I'll just paint them--- there's an idea!~
Wonderful, I really love the verse....makes me want to work it into a sampler of my own some how. I too love the humble philosophy of the amish, makes you realize that we all can stress over what really doesn't matter. Have a great Sunday ~Kriss~
je ne parle que le français, désolée.
j'adore ce sampler et j'irais le broder… où puis-je acheter la grille ?
merci, KLB
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