Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday monday ~

....busy little birds, gathering at the feeder...
letting us know that snow is on the way!

cardinals, titmice, juncos...

sparrows, doves & jays...
all living peacefully & coexisting with one another ~
{perhaps the occasional tussle for a black oil sunflower seed}
but nothing political or violent...

oh we can learn so much from our animal friends if we just stop & observe.

our cedars in the back of the house are a condomiuim-of-sorts
for many types of feathered friends & their tiny familes.

no racial differences
no religious haggling
not even a mention of opposing parties...

just a simple understanding that as one flourishes,
they all flourish...

with all of the tragedies unfolding this weekend:
the shooting is Arizona,
the extreme weather in the South
the confusing and
{{I think terrifying}}
issue of dying birds world-wide,
please take a moment to stay focused on postive things
and do your best to create an uplifting atmosphere for your friends & family
no drama,
no arguing

... just acceptance...

Blessings from the farm,
~ Lori ~


janeu729 said...

Oh, I so agree! Recent events are very unsettling. I love watching my jays and juncos, cardinals and chicadees, titmouses and finches.
I think we need to hold our dearest people and things close.

Sea Witch said...

The tufted Titmouse, one of my favorite littel birds ever. They are so smart, and fearless and funny. Sea Witch

Maria said...

Amen Sista! ( No pun intended! : ) I honestly believe we get what energy we give. You are so right...

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

I'm right there with you Lori. I also have come to believe that my negative thoughts, even on the small everyday things, is diminishing the good energy the world needs right now. So I made a commitment for New Year's to change the way I see things and focus on the beauty and goodness that is all around us each day. With love and prayers Mother Earth will thrive and so will we!
Have a super day Lori...
Tina xo

PEA said...

What a lovely way you put that Lori,
I wish it was so easy. We keep trying, the peacemakers that is.
Hugs and love to ya