I'm working on my Valentines Day cross stitch projects,
(among other things!)
and wanted to share the start of this one with you...
(among other things!)
and wanted to share the start of this one with you...
the finished project will be a Sewing Book,
to hold your needles, scissors & threads ~
to hold your needles, scissors & threads ~
will be used as the backing fabric...
I LOVE the little birds print, so sweet & spring-like.
(I'll include the name of the fabric in the pattern needfuls as well)
All of the Brown Egg Farm orders have been sent,
as well as the calendar orders...
thanks ever-so-much again ~
Hannah & I will head out to Barnes & Noble and then over to Michaels
(to use those gift cards that I received from Peter for Christmas...thank you Honey!)
The sun is shining, it's not tooooo cold out~
enjoy your day!!!
The sun is shining, it's not tooooo cold out~
enjoy your day!!!
Blessings from the farm,
~ Lori ~
Gorgeous, can't wait to see it finished! I am promising myself to make a serious attempt to get back to my needlework, this project may help me!!!
Have a fun day at the book store!
Margaret B
Love the sneak peak! And that fabric with the birds is awesome!
Oooooo, the sneak peak is so intriguing. I can't wait to see the whole thing.
I wish you and yours a very happy New Year.
The only embroidery I've ever done is on my wool applique. I would love to try my hand a whole design. Perhaps your pattern will spurn me on. Happy New Year and I can't wait too see what you have in store for us.
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