I am SO excited that I can hardly type this~
but here goes!!!
This past week, I received a phone call
but here goes!!!
This past week, I received a phone call
from Jen at the Woolen Willow
She told me the EXCITING news,
that she and her sisters are putting together a
for us lovers and makers of Primitive Needlework Projects...
Primitive Quilts and Projects
that she and her sisters are putting together a
for us lovers and makers of Primitive Needlework Projects...
Primitive Quilts and Projects
I am thrilled to know that they have taken on such an adventure,
to fill such a much-needed niche...
and knowing Jen & Gretchen,
it will be a top-notch, first-class magazine...
it will be along the lines of the super-popular
American Patchwork and Quilting magazine
and will be available at your local bookstores or by subscription
(you can email Jen at woolenwillow@aol.com, or call 304-375-9665)
you can also visit the woolen willow website and click on the 'newsletter' link
to read more about this exciting adventure!!
We SO NEED a true, primitive-type project magazine out there for us,...
(I know, Create & Decorate is good,
but...there are usually only a few,
what I call 'true' primitive projects in there...
some of the stuff is just a little too "fru-fru" for me)...
now, here's the KICKER....
to fill such a much-needed niche...
and knowing Jen & Gretchen,
it will be a top-notch, first-class magazine...
it will be along the lines of the super-popular
American Patchwork and Quilting magazine
and will be available at your local bookstores or by subscription
(you can email Jen at woolenwillow@aol.com, or call 304-375-9665)
you can also visit the woolen willow website and click on the 'newsletter' link
to read more about this exciting adventure!!
We SO NEED a true, primitive-type project magazine out there for us,...
(I know, Create & Decorate is good,
but...there are usually only a few,
what I call 'true' primitive projects in there...
some of the stuff is just a little too "fru-fru" for me)...
now, here's the KICKER....
Jen has asked little ol' me to be a designer for their first 4 issues!!!
You could have knocked me over with a feather when she asked me...
I am humbled, thrilled, excited and skeered all at the same time!
I will be in thee best company of
Nationally & World Renowned Designers of
Quilts and Needlework ~
and boy-oh-bopy am I chomping at the creative bit
to begin designing for them!!
You could have knocked me over with a feather when she asked me...
I am humbled, thrilled, excited and skeered all at the same time!
I will be in thee best company of
Nationally & World Renowned Designers of
Quilts and Needlework ~
and boy-oh-bopy am I chomping at the creative bit
to begin designing for them!!
SO...go on over to their website,
leave them an encouraging & congratulatory note
and mark your calenders for April 2011
.... that's when the first issue arrives on newsstands!!
and again, I say:
leave them an encouraging & congratulatory note
and mark your calenders for April 2011
.... that's when the first issue arrives on newsstands!!
and again, I say:
" WOOHOO!!!!!
go Jen & Gretchen!!!!!! "
THANK YOU for thinkin' of me!!
Blessings from the Farm
Hurray! How exciting!!! Both for the new magazine and that you will be featured in it!! I'm looking forward to this ... for sure! :-)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What an honor!I couldn't think of a better designer than you to do the first four issues! Yes, yes, we really need a prim stitchery magazine! Why didn't someone think of it before! I'm so excited....guess I'll have to wait till April for a copy! Hopefully we can get some sneak peeks before then.
Good luck!
Congrats!!! Congrats!!! Very excinting news indeed!!! OLM
Congratulations Lori! I'm thrilled to hear you'll be involved. This is wonderful news for all who love primitive designs! Thanks for sharing!
They couldn't have picked a more talented and admired artist than you Lori for the covers! You truly inspire so many needlework artists. What a well deserved honor for you!
Congrats to you Lori, can't wait for the new publication, you are very deserving of this honor..good luck!
So excited for you. Cant wait to get the magazine. Best of Luck and have fun
How exciting Lori!!! Sounds like a mag right up my alley! A BIG congrats to you my friend.
Oh my goodness, congratulations! How exciting, can't wait to see the magazine. Will head on over there and read more about it! I bet the wheels are turning over and over in your head. Congrat's again!
That is just the best news and Lori you of course are the obvious choice!
Can't wait to see it in the Spring.
Congrats! to the 3 of you. I know that you will design wonderful items for all of us.
Good Luck!
Hi Lori!! Wow! Thanks for posting our announcement so wonderfuly!!!! We are all so excited to get this news out there!!! Our www.primitivequiltsandprojects.com will be up and running on October
5th for emails and subscriptions, but until then primitive lovers can email the woolen willow or call us! We are so excited to see what all the wonderful designers will be contributing!! Yay!!!!
Wow that's wonderful news! Congratulations to you! I'll be looking forward to it.
Have a great weekend!!
Congratulations Lori...you designs are always a treat...Jeni and her sisters have a brilliant idea with this magazine ~ especially since they've included you...can't wait!
Congrats, Lori!! You have been an inspiration to so many who know you, now so many more stitchers can enjoy your designs!
How COOL! I can't wait to see it & your creations!! :)
That is way to awesome. Congratulations!! I cannot wait to get my hands on it!
Congratulations Lori! Wow! But who better to start it off with a bang, but you! Well we know you won't be sleeping for the next 7 months!! LOL!
I can't wait until April gets here!
Lori, Congratulations! I'm so excited both for you and all of us that can purchase the magazine. I'm right there with you about Creae and Decorate - I subscribed for a few years and dropped it - way to "cute" for me. ~Ann
That is B-I-G news!!! Congratulations to you! Look forward to seeing the first publication.
Warm Wishes
Dawn from The Pip Berry Tree
Lori, I'm so happy for you!I can't wait for the magazine to come out! I have a cross stitch shop in NC called "Spring Robin", and you are definitely one of my favorite designers that I sell. Keep up the GREAT work!
Congratulations, what a wonderful news!
Congratulations! Tells me they know a good thing when they see it!
Hi Lori,
Two congratulations in less than a week and you so deserve it. It will be wonderful having a "prim" magazine and it will be made more wonderful having you in it.
Many Happy Stitches,
Sandra Sullivan
Homespun Elegance
How fun and exciting - congrats!
Congrats Lori, what an awesome accomplishment! High five (I am too far away to give you one!)Enjoy and embrass your accomplishemnts, Bright Blessings, Dawn
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