Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

7 Years...

7 years ago today,
an eight year old little girl stood
crying in the driveway...
7 years ago today,
my Mom & Sisters waved good-bye

7 years ago today,
a huge box truck and a white Winstar
were loaded to the gills with a small family's earthly treasures
not knowing exactly where they were going or what they'd find once they got there...
7 years ago today,
3 chickens and a rooster, 2 ducks, 3 cats,
a somewhat terrifed Mother and her young daughter
piled into a van and drove for 13 hours straight
while listening to the radio, quacking, clucking & meowing...
7 years ago today,
a Husband and Father guaranteed us a new life in a
humble little farmhouse in a beautiful
new comminuty
I can't believe it's been that long already...
seems shorter,
seems longer too...kind of surreal...
What I do know is that in these past 7 years,
we've watched our daughter absolutely blossom into a fine young woman,
have made life-long & deep friendships,
have learned to work the land and watch the weather,
and appreciate the little things in life that make is so very special...
SO many changes have occurred since we've been here,
from renovation a farmhouse to building a shop,
bottle-feeding lambs and raising baby opossums burying our fur & feathered friends that have passed,
along with saying goodby to a Sister...
& watching a husband turn into a Farmer and Volunteer ~
Ups and Downs, In's and out's but ALL threads that tie our little family together....
We're glad we're here!!!!
so happy 7th-Virginia-Anniversary to US!
Blessings from the Farm,


GailinVirginia said...

Happy Seventh Anniversary to Lori and wonderful adventurous family.
God bless you and yours...and happy it is that you share so much with us your humble followers.

Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Happy Anniversary Lori and many more happy years of fulfilled dreams!
Tina xo

Kris said...

Oh, Lori - Sounds like you have had a wonderful 7 years!!! Your life is my dream and although I am 60 years old, I still dream that dream!! May you and your family have another 7 x 7 more wonderful years living your dream!!!

Catherine said...

Here's to many, many more moons of living your dreams!

janeu729 said...

Happy Lucky Seventh Anniversary! I'm so glad our paths have crossed and our friendship continues. Notforgotten Farm and your family and critters are one of our favorite places!

Unknown said...

Well Happy Anniversary!!! Farming is terrific!
take care

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

You have a wonderful way with words, allowing everyone who is reading the pure enjoyment to visualize your journey to and in Virginia.
Thank you so much for sharing your time with us.
Be always in stitches.

Robin said...

Happy anniversary my dear friend. Lee and I are very glad that you and Peter ventured this way. Here's to many, many more happy years...just don't forget to say Y'All a wee bit more!! Love ya sister friend.


Constance said...

What a beautiful story, I believe the farm house was waiting for you and Peter and Hannah. You have brought it to life and filled it with love. Happy Anniversary and Bright Blessings to your family and all creatures great and small at Notforgotten Farm.


from me to thee......... said...

Love this post!!!! Very special indeed...smiles, Linda

Naomi said...

Happy inspire me to keep dreaming about the big move I really want to make.


Primitives By The Light of The Moon said...

Happy Anniversary to You! Nothing beats the sweetness of home and family.

Natalia said...

Happy Anniversary, Lori !! I wish you many more years of happiness.

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Just lovely Lori!