Just learned that the Winter in the Valley show
has been rescheduled to be held on
has been rescheduled to be held on
February 20th !!!
so I hope to see all of you there!
I'm working on some little mohair rabbits and bears to take along to the show...
it having been rescheduled gives me two more weeks to create more goodies!
I'm working on some little mohair rabbits and bears to take along to the show...
it having been rescheduled gives me two more weeks to create more goodies!
I'll be looking through the mohair fabric collection that I have to see what needs reordered...
I love to overdye the fur to make it old & vintage-looking~
I can get out of my driveway !!!!!
thanks to the diligent plowing of my farmer husband and his
thanks to the diligent plowing of my farmer husband and his
beloved John Deere tractor...{GO! Big Green!!}
and lucky us,
we got no where near the amount of snow they were predicting...
...only about 7" on top of the 5" from last weekend.
...only about 7" on top of the 5" from last weekend.
so for those that have not received their orders,
thanks for your never-ending patience~ they will ALL go out tomorrow !
I will be heading out soon, Hannah has been invited to go sledding at a friends' house.
poor thing, she loves school and her friends and has been house-bound for a week...
poor thing, she loves school and her friends and has been house-bound for a week...
today she'll get plenty of fresh, cold air & sunshine!!!
Then I'm off to the market,
where I'll purchase some fresh tulips for the kitchen,
and then come home to clean the floors of this old house....
oh Spring...
where art thou?
sleeping under hills and mounds
where art thou?
sleeping under hills and mounds
waiting for rebirth
~warm Earth~
...come again to grace my face
with the warmth of a sun-kissed May day.
with the warmth of a sun-kissed May day.
Blessings to you all!
Thanks for the lovely pic of the spring flowers! We are digging out from somewhere between 2-3 feet of snow - drifting snow to boot!
So happy for you about the rescheduling of the show!
Enjoy your Sunday!
Nothing like sewing when it cold outside! Love it.
I'm sure the daffodil shoots are under that snow somewhere! I just wish I could find bird seed to keep the feathered friends going through tomorrow.
Glad your show was rescheduled.
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