It's never easy having to say goodbye to someone who's touched our life...
this morning, as I was feeding all of our fur & feather friends at the barn,
I noticed a distinct silence in the hen house...
I noticed a distinct silence in the hen house...
it was as though they were all waiting for me to find him.
and I did.
all curled up and peaceful...
Little Bits
(I called him Bitties)
was hatched next to the woodstove in the farmhouse almost 5 years ago...
he had trouble breaking out of his little shell, so I helped him along.
I guess we bonded then...
Little Bits
(I called him Bitties)
was hatched next to the woodstove in the farmhouse almost 5 years ago...
he had trouble breaking out of his little shell, so I helped him along.
I guess we bonded then...
Bitties would almost daily accompany me here to the shop,
where he would occasionally find his way in
and I would hear the pitterpatter of his little feet around the shop...
he loved to sneak up behind me,
then crow at the top of his little lungs!
where he would occasionally find his way in
and I would hear the pitterpatter of his little feet around the shop...
he loved to sneak up behind me,
then crow at the top of his little lungs!
He greeted many friends and customers at the shop's porch,
and would come running when I called him.
and would come running when I called him.
He loved to be held and petted, always trusting us,
and would always fall asleep in our hands,
tiny, shiny eyes slowly closing,...his little head lilting down into slumber.
and would always fall asleep in our hands,
tiny, shiny eyes slowly closing,...his little head lilting down into slumber.
Rest Peacefully, my little Friend...
Thank you for the years of joy you brought to Notforgotten Farm.
You will always be remembered.
Thank you for the years of joy you brought to Notforgotten Farm.
You will always be remembered.
love, Mom.
Oh Lori sweetie...
I am so sorry to hear of Little Bits passing. It is so hard to lose one of our critters, as they become our friends and companions. They are just like our kids. I know you will still hear his little scratch feet coming up behind you for years to come. Some things we just never forget. Make you a little wooden cross and nail it to your shop with Little Bits name on it, you will think of him each time you come in and each time you leave, and others will be reminded of the love that the two of you shared. Little Bits...Gone but NOT forgotten. God Bless you sweetie. I love the picture of him on your head. He looks really happy, and up in the bird feeder. He did not know he was not a human, because he was treated so well by human hands. He loved you sweetie I can tell.
Country hugs...Sherry
I am so sorry for your lose. What a blessing little bits was. Take comfort in knowing you gave him a grat life.
So sorry to hear this. I like Country Wings idea of putting a little cross there. I'm caring for a very old, old chihuauah I've had since he was 6 weeks old, now almost 17. I dread the day when this happens.
Hang in there and God bless you, Lori! Maybe you could design a piece in memory of Little Bits.
Feathers in the Nest
It is never easy but we have to remember the joy they brought us while they were here.
I envy you with all your critters..even when things like happen like the passing 0f Little Bits...you are one lucky gal to have so many little friends to keep you company everyday. Susan
What a sweet companion you had, and I just know he misses you too.
I"m so sorry for your loss. Bittie sounds like a great fellow. Your tribute to him is very touching.
Dear Lorie,
So sorry to hear of Little Bitties passing. You were a great MOM to him. Our grief when we lose these little ones certainly reflects the great amount of joy they brought into our lives. Be kind to yourself today and may your heart be mended soon! XXOO Cathy G
I'm so sorry to hear about your feathered friend's passing. I'm sure that the "girls" will miss him too.
Blessings, Patti
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Thanks for sharing Little Bits' story - you have some great memories. I love Jennifer's idea of designing a memorial piece!
Aww...I'm so sorry to hear this...I remember you posting about him before.
Sprry to hear of your loss, Lori. Our little critters become a part of our families and it's so hard to say goodbye. Love the pictures, especially the one of Little Bits on your head. It's delightful. I like Jennifer's idea of your designing a piece in memory of Little Bits. How about a companion picture for "Thomas"?
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. It is always hard to say good bye to our furry and feathered friends. They all give so much and ask for so little.
I'm sure he will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for you.
I'm so sorry to hear that Little Bits died. Our pets are just like children aren't they? As Kathy said above, our pets ask for so little but give us such large amounts of joy!
Lori, We always enjoyed seeing Little Bits on the porch of your shop. He's the only rooster I ever held and he always made Steve think of the Bantys he had at his Grandma's when he was little.
We'll all miss him but he knew he was loved.
Amazing how such a small creature can make his mark. Heartfelt thanks for such a touching post.
What a sweet little friend! What a touching tribute to him.
So sorry for your loss Lori. Our 'lil creatures sure do attach themselves to our heartstrings don't they. Maybe a good way to remember him would be to punch or stitch a tribute to your 'lil man and hang it in the hen house for the girls:)
He was such a handsome little guy. My heart aches for you as I know how it feels to lose our animal friends. Most of us have traveled that road, and it hurts terribly. At some point a memory will come into your mind and you will design a rug in his honor. And he will crow his pleasure from the other side of the rainbow bridge. You'll hear him. Hugs to you!
Oh, Lori so very sorry to hear of your loss. He sounds like a one of a kind and very, very special little friend. May your he be waiting for you at the rainbow bridge!
Ohhhh LIttle Bitties~ Bless his little heart. Am sorry you will be without him Lori~ I cried and cried when I lost my 'Windex' (buff orfington)....most folks dont realize how friendly and affectionate chickens can be~ and such characters! Take Peace & Happieness in your fond rembrance of him
xoxo rachael
Lori, I'm so very sorry to read of your friend's passing. As you know, I lost my Siamese cat 3 days after Christmas and it's still so fresh and painful. We got his ashes back two days ago so Cinnamon is back at home where he belongs.
I'm sure Little Bits will stay in your heart and memory for a long time. Hugs to you.
Oh my gosh how sad, I'm sorry for your loss. Our furry friends do bring us such joy and I enjoyed hearing the story.
I'm so sorry for you loss. It's so very hard when we lose a friend.
Oh, that is so sad about your Little Bits ~ such a cute picture, though, to remind you of him ~
Lori, so sorry to read that Bitties has passed on. Loved reading about his antics! Sending you hugs. Deb
Lucky is the chicken, whose Mom loves so deeply and dearly. His spirit will always be near you because you returned his love...
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