Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Happy Anniversary ~

All my Love...
...all my Life...
Saturday will mark mine & Peter's 22nd wedding anniversary...
we were married on Saturday, October 3rd, 1987
at 11:00 in the morning...
we have never been apart on our anniversary ~
except for this year...
as I will be in MI for the Ghoultide Show!!!

can you see my gown in the picture above?
see the big 80's poooofy sleeves?

I think subconciously,
that's why I draw many of my characters
wearing those dresses with the big sleeves! LOL!!!
and see how short my hubby looks next to me?
no, he's not standing in a hole...
see the other groomsmen (except for the tall red head?)
those are his, you can see where he gets his stature from...
we've never had a problem with our height differences...
except when I would wear my spike heels!
(those days are loooong gone thank the stars!)
and see the pretty bridesmaid dresses?
not SOOOoooo hideous, hmm?
(I did however, make my girls pull one side of their hair back
with a humongous comb with matching silk flowers on it! teehee!)
where did 22 years go?
they are in us
...still surfacing when we need to remember,
yet laying dormant and undisturbed when we choose not to...
Thank you for Loving me Peter.


JoJo said...

Lori, my sincere congratulations to you and Peter on your anniversary. My husband and I made it to 25 years this past March. It's a great feeling, isn't it?
I do love your posts and the little peeks into your life, your crafts and your family.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Thanks so much Jo!!!
Blessed be!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Lori ~ May you be blessed with 22 more ~ and 22 more after that!
Congratulations ;-)

The Burlap Owl said...

~Congratulations Lori and Peter~
Time always flies when we're having fun... Here's wishing you many, many more years of fun!

Good luck with your show too!
Take Care,

Joy said...

I can't believe it's been so long. Damn you're getting old, I'm not, just you.

Remember how hung over I was at that day, I celebrated for you the night before. I remember there being way too many cops at the wedding though. lol





You still look just like a princess.

Give Pete and Hannah all my love.

sandi said...

hey lori - congrats to you and your family!! i adore your wedding picture. i just posted a "blast from the past" photo of my kids on facebook from the very same year - Mel's comment "my poofy sleeve is as big as my head - ahh, the 80's" You gotta love it! Have a wonderful show this weekend!! sandi in texas

missy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! 22 YEARS? I wasn't even out of diapers yet!! LOL OH how I love the internet and you not seeing how old I truly am!! LOL



Brialee said...

Congratulations to the two of you! 22 years of loving each other is nothing short of beautiful :) And your anniversary is October 3rd, my brother is actually getting married Saturday, the 3rd!! He's 45 and we thought the day would NEVER come LOL He's got an awesome wife-to-be and we were 'sisters' from the day we met. All the best to you :)

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Congrats. to you may you have many more years together:)You look like a princess!

Sherry )O( AutumnTurtle said...

Happy Anniversary Lori and Peter!!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

What a great picture, Lori!!! Happy Anniversary to you. I can't wait to meet you at the Ghoultide Gathering. See you on Saturday! Whooo Hoooo!

Jennifer Ann Fox said...

congrats on your anniversary!

Your gown is beautiful. My first marriage was similar in gown design (80's). My second, well off the shoulder low cut version! LOL

Don't you just love remembering the 80's? LOL

Again, congrats!

Feathers in the Nest

Cindy at Mountain Hollow said...
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Cindy at Mountain Hollow said...

Congrats to you and Peter. Oh my Gosh your wedding dressed looked exactly like mine and I wore my hair the same way. I loved me some puffy sleeves and big hair. I hope that you and Alisha have a great time and be safe. I will see you when you get back

William Bezek said...

AHHHH, Happy Anniversary! All I see is a groom standing tall next to his beautiful bride!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

um...the post that my dear, sweet, long-time buddy-girlfriend Joy wrote, is referring to the many COPS (police officers) that were INVITED to my wedding!!!!

my entire family has been involved in Law Enforcement in some way or another!!!
NOT that we had COPS at our reception for being BAD! (chuckle*snort*) !!!!!! (well, we were bad, but didn't need the COPS there!) LOL!!!


Catherine said...

Congratulations! May the next 22 years be filled with much love and joy!

Kathy (woolfind) said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby! It will be 22 years for me in November. Oh the picture brought back many memories of that time period lol. Lovely picture!
Wishing you many more years together!

Cindy said...

Congrats to you and Peter on your 22 years! LOL on the 80's poofy sleeves.. John and I were a June'86wedding!
Good luck at the Ghoultide Gathering!! Be safe!

Carin said...

Happy anniversary for the 22 years !!!

WoolenSails said...

Happy Anniversary and good luck at the Ghoultide Gathering. I have seen photos of the show and wish I was close enough to come, looks like a lot of fun.


janeu729 said...

Congrats on your anniversary, Lori!! You and Peter seem to complement each other so well.
Wishing you many, many more!!