Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Friday, May 29, 2009

OK...enough already!!!!!!!!

we needed the rain.

really we did.

...but 5 straight days is quite enough
thank you very much.

the cellar is musty.

...the sheets on the beds seem damp even.

yes, the new little plantings in the gardens
needed their drinks.
but now,
me thinks it should come to a quiet end...

at least for a while.

we've begun sprouting mushrooms and toadstools everywhere!!!
(ok...that one, big red toadstool that you see above
didn't magickally sprout up from the ground like the others...
I needlefelted it from wool roving...guess all this rain has made me bonkers!)
At least the weatherman, in ALL his infinite wisdom,
has declared this weekend to be sunny, milder and less humid.
(I can only hope, as I'll be wearing layer upon layer
of colonial-styled clothing at the Pharsalia show...)
maybe I'll skip the breezies, and go commando?
In the meantime, i'm packing everything to take to set-up tomorrow morning...
It's a 2 day show, so I'll be back to post all about it sunday evening.
Have a great weekend, and stay dry!
Blessed be!


Katy said...

Oh..many wishes for a sunny day for you all Lori!!! :) It has been raining on and off here for a few days too...though we planted our garden a couple days I am greatly thankful for the watering God does...saves us from having to do it! LOL
Have a great weekend!

The Eveningstitcher said...

Make sure you take plenty of pictures and post them! I love seeing what everyone has to offer, especially you, Lori! Here's hoping the rain stops and you have sunny, sunny days!


Constance said...

Have a great trip and a wonderful show. I can't wait to see the pictures. Blessed Be and lots of sunny weather!!

janeu729 said...

I need to laugh and when the sun is out...I've got something I can laugh about!
Finally a day to work in the garden. Now I'm just gonna sit and stitch for the rest of the day.
Hope the show goes well.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

I love that red mushroom - the others are pretty, too! I don't like them in my yard, though!

Julie said...

Cool pictures, Lori! I love, love the photo atop your blog. Is that on your farm?

The Cinnamon Stick said...

OMG !! when I saw that red mushroom I wanted to have them growing in my garden...(my fairies would be thrilled)...awesome piece! Have a wonderful show...wish I could come!

Anonymous said...

Oh how beautiful, I've never seen a real toadstool only in photos. Thanks