Monday, September 29, 2008

Refreshing NEW Blog !!!

I've been diagnosed by one of my dear, sweet friends as suffering from ADD...

i disagree.
I beleive that I am OCD/ADHD...partially one or the other, can't decide which.
(which totally upholds the diagnoses then, does it not?) HA!
Actually, as I've said before in many of my older posts, I have alot of fun making different things.
(different, as in out of my 'normal' range of primitive-things)
I continue to desing patterns and finished items for my beloved customers, but I also have to make somethings that are totally out-of-the-box for keeps me creative & fresh...nothing worse than a stale folk artist...ugh.
SO, yes, I have started yet another blog.
i know, i know, I've started others in the past and have then deleted them...but they just weren't what I was trying to convey...I want a place to play, have FUN and share the more whimsical, artsy-fartsy side of me. ( I love that word, artsy-fartsy!!!)
I guess you could say that I have an alter ego, as many of us have but don't admit to...(admitting to it is part of the cure) ~ hehe!! alter ego, my nom de' plume', my 'other' personality loves quirky, kitschy, gaudy, garish, and really funky stuff....that I make fun stuff with. and share it. and hopefully can sell it to other nuts, um, i mean 'inspired' folks out there in Wahoo-land.
So, if you'd like to humor me even further, please go visit:
I've also linked the blog to my new etsy shop, "Oh! What Fun!!!!" so if you're reeeaaallly bored, or I've piqued your interest, you can actually purchase one of mine, my family's or friends whims...usually wearable folk art with a twist...

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