Tuesday, January 21, 2025

~ First Post of the New Year ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~
and a very happy, better-late-than-never New Year to you all....

Last year put me through the wringer, so to say the least.

I haven't posted here in a while, and I'm sure my postings will be sporadic
until I get myself back into a regular routine of things,
but I am so thankful for those of you who still drop by for a visit.


Keep Warm, Keep Safe and I'll be back here very soon
with more info for happy plans & new goings-on for 2025!!!
Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori


TheCrankyCrow said...

Happiest new year wishes to you (and Peter and pets) as well. I've had 2+ wringer years b/w my mum, my husband, and Snowdog...so I get what your feeling. I'm not sure I was ever in a routine and I'm certainly not now, and if you don't find yours, know that we still look forward to whatever posts you can drop for us. ~Robin~

NMK said...

Nice to see your blog this frigid morning ....take care and stay warm & cozy

Rugs and Pugs said...

We always welcome a post from you.
Happy New Year ;-)

Nancy said...

LOVE your header, Lori!!!!!! ❤️😍

Robin in Virginia said...

Happy New Year to you and Peter! Love the new header! Stay warm and I look forward to seeing you in February. I have already requested warmer weather and sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Hello Lori, Best wishes for the new year.~C

Betty said...

Been kinda down & out myself. Glad to see your post!! Happy New Year!