Tuesday, January 21, 2025

~ First Post of the New Year ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~
and a very happy, better-late-than-never New Year to you all....

Last year put me through the wringer, so to say the least.

I haven't posted here in a while, and I'm sure my postings will be sporadic
until I get myself back into a regular routine of things,
but I am so thankful for those of you who still drop by for a visit.


Keep Warm, Keep Safe and I'll be back here very soon
with more info for happy plans & new goings-on for 2025!!!
Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

~ Mr. Frost ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~
I've been working on another 'little' stitched character while mending my heart...

please meet:

“Mr. Frost” ~ 2024 ©Notforgotten Farm ~ designed & stitched by Lori Brechlin.....
another sweet "Little" for you to stitch up for the Winter months to come ~

~ Mr. Frost loves sweeping his walkway with his corn broom ~
 if you see him while you’re out strolling by, say hello and I’m sure he will tip his top-hat for you!

Model stitched over two threads of Osnaburg. (36/37 ct.)
Stitch Count: 35w x 58h
Finish Shown: Sawdust stuffed pillow/bowl filler
{approx. finished size shown} 2-1/2” x 3”

Pdf & Mailed patterns available now in my Etsy shop
{see top of page under the header}

I hope you are all busy with the hustle-bustle of the Season!

Blessings from the Farm
 ~ Lori

Sunday, December 01, 2024

~ Dear Friends.....

it is with a heavy heart that I am sharing this news…
I am canceling our Christmas Open House & Stitch In,
which is scheduled for Saturday, December 7th, and the Shop will also be closed that day because I will be traveling up to Connecticut, to say goodbye to my mom after a lengthy hospice stay…
we have been notified by her hospice staff that she will not be with us much longer.
With that being said, I’m sure you can all understand the reason I’m canceling our event ~ family will always come first and I will have other open houses in the future…
as a matter of fact, we are looking into holding a Spring event for 2025.
Please keep our family in your kind thoughts and loving prayers, we are so thankful for your friendship!
••• I will be personally contacting our pre-registered attendees regarding this cancellation, but if you would be so kind as to share my post with someone you know who was registered or was planning on attending our open house to visit our shop, I would be forever grateful.

With much affection,

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

~ Where am I? ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~
...and a happy Wednesday to us all...

so, the title of this post is 'where am I?'
and truthfully ~ I'm not sure.

I'm here, but not really.
I am in-between this and that it seems...

the 'this' is,
my mom has come to the final stage of her life.
Hospice has informed us that she does not have many more days left ~
I went up to CT see her last month, and she hardly recognized me, or spoke to me.
...'that' completely broke my heart, and has left me empty with questions
about living, dying and the 'in-between'.

While I was there with her, I told her repeatedly how much I love her,
held her tiny hand and cried softly at her side...
I don't know how much she heard or understood, but I feel as though even with dementia,
our hearts recognize each other and will for eternity.

I want to be at her bedside, but I am having a very hard time with seeing her like she is in her condition.
I am in a strange limbo of prayers, memories and requests of a quick and peaceful passing,
and I feel bad for even thinking like that.

I'm torn between getting in the car this very minute and driving 8 hrs without a stop to see her one more time, but I am also having to live my life and be where I am needed here at home.

she cannot answer her phone any longer, 
nor can she hear us if someone holds the phone for her so there is literally no communication there.

I literally jump every time the phone rings, hoping it is, and that it is not... 'The call".
I feel like a terrible person for hoping that mom's transition comes quickly for her,
but then I think that all of her pain will end...
...that she will be with her family that passed on before her.
that she will be at peace.

I'm hoping that my readers will not think of me as a terrible human for the feelings I have.
I am already mourning the loss of her, and I'm sure that many of you who have lost their mothers
felt the same way.

I'm doing my best to keep my hands and mind busy,
but my heart is just not into doing much of anything at this time.

I am forever grateful to my Friends who understand this time in my life...

I feel like an unfinished work,
with loose ends and new starts but not-quite ready to be worked more upon.

thank you for listening....

Blessings from the Farm
~ Lori

Friday, November 08, 2024

~ November came ~

Hello Friends & Folk ~
...and a happy November Friday to us all...

ah November.

“November comes, and November goes. With the last red berries and the first white snows.”
- Clyde Watson

“It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.”
- Sarah Addison Allen

the way the light now slants, and how time has both pushed us back and forward at the same time.
clocks spinning backwards, mornings coming earlier...

November is actually my (2nd) favorite month, with it's predecessor being my favorite.
I love the chill in the evening air and the promise of stitching by our piping woodstoves 
while wearing soft, thick socks.

November to me, means:
celebrating my beloved's birthday,
gathering family closer for the Thanksgiving Holiday &
preparing for Christmas and New Year.
...a busy end to a busy year but this month still holds promises of slowing sown & reflection.

I hope your November brings your heart peace & plenty.

In the News:
I've released another one of my cross stitch 'littles',
this one is called "Cookie Klaus" and I think I love her the most.
{she is actually Little Nick's wife, but there are other member's in the Klaus-family,
{such as good old Cinder Klaus hanging out in his red stocking.}
 here is a collage of all of the 'littles' that are now available in my Etsy shop...
top row, left to right are:
Little Nick, Cookie Klaus, Cinder Klaus
middle row, left to right:
Robin Birdwell, Parade Sam & Carrot Top
bottom row, left to right:
Lucky O'Greene, Bees Knees and Witch Hazel

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
and ~
We are getting ready for our Christmas Open House & Preregistered Stitch In
here at the shop/studio on Saturday December 7th 2024 from 10-4:00
please note: the Stitch In IS FULL....
{there is a cancellation list filling up as well} and if any seats become available,
 the folks at the very top of the cancellation list will be contacted first.

we really do try our best to make everyone happy at our events...
it's impossible for us offer  'drop in' stitchers a seat if you have not been registered.
and we thank you for understanding that.

see you soon!

Blessings from the Farm
~ Lori