Tuesday, September 08, 2009

....FINALLY !!!

...after 5 days without a phone and internet service,
we finally have service again!
Oh technology
...how we love it.
and hate it.
especially us primitive artists and lovers!~

our computers allow us to offer our wares to the absolute WORLD in the blink of an eye,
...we can virtually visit shops, homes, and auctions in our pj's,
it can also wreak havoc with our lives by infecting "us" with virusus, porno and spam...
...not long ago, Ma Bell owned the phone company
and when we wanted to talk with our neighbor,
we dialed "O" and someone named Flo or Pearl came on and asked us how our kids were...
we actually knew them.
the other day, when I called Verizon
(from my cell phone, standing on one leg in the middle of our sheep pasture,
with one arm raised and wearing a tin-foil hat)
about the disrputed service, we never actually spoke to anyone...
it was all computer generated.
I got absolutely no-where.
So I got in the car and drove down our road...
I came past a neighbors house and noticed
that it looked like he was doing some work on a bull-dozer.
luckily, we have a friend that lives down the road that works for Verizon,
and he was there, talking to the neighbor...
come to find out, said neighbor didn't
and plowed down the in-ground phone service sub-station...
along with the electric lines.
it's amazing that he wasn't electrocuted and welded permanently to the dozer.
he will, however, be charged a hefty fine for diggin without a permit.
So here I sit, back at the helm of my beloved computer, waiting for it to crap-out yet again.
(maybe I'll click on a link that will bring me to a place back in time
when all we had to do to get in touch with someone was dial "O") ...
Blessed be, Friends~


taylors*farmhouse*attic said...

Glad that you're back on Lori...I always enjoy your posts!!!~~hugs,jen

Gail said...

I hate to laugh at someone's misfortune, but I did anyway!

Anonymous said...

Even though that must of been difficult for you as a business owner, I really enjoyed reading this post and found it to be quite humerus with all of your anecdotes along the way. I hope everything works out for you.

JoJo said...

Five days?? Five very long days?? I would have gone nuts! We no longer have a home phone i.e. land line phone. We're simply cell. Thankfully, I've never had my cell phone wonk out on me and we've always had good service. But on those rare occasions when Cox has a problem and our computers won't work, well, I get downright antsy. Last week, our wireless router wasn't working so I couldn't sit in the kitchen, with my coffee and laptop, and surf. But I 'could' easily go downstairs to the basement and get on my husband's desk top computer. Thank the good Lord!!

Funny how I have a love/hate relationship with the computer. When I broke my leg a year and a half ago, I literally went silly not being able to do steps and get to that darn computer. That's when we bought the laptop...for ME, so I could keep what little sanity I have.

I'll bet you're glad that those five days are over and done with and you have your service back. And I hope your neighbor who was doing the digging has learned an expensive lesson.

Unknown said...

lori, geez, it must be the computer gremmlins, I spent hours yesterday trying recover service and getting no where, with an immediate deadline hanging over my head. My son-in-law drove 1 1/2 hours in traffic hour to rescue me. Jiggled some wires and worked some magic. whew! there is a little of an evil twist because we cannot live or work without them...no wonder we love the old primitive way to do things!

Cindy said...

Glad you're back! When I'm away from home it doesn't bother me too bad...but if I was at home and be without internet or phone service...OMGosh!! I'd go crazy! My cell phone would have to stay on the charger!
One more week girlfriend! Are ya ready?! Sure wish I could be there...I just know it will be wonderful!!! Good Luck!!!