Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Friday, November 18, 2011

{{ Perpetual Change }}

Some things never change,
like Iggy sleeping in his cradle here in my sewing room...
(do you think he feels embarrased? naaaahhhh...just look at that smug look on his face...)

or the fact... that like me, he enjoys a good magazine...
(the new xmas issue of FOLK is *awesome!*)
actually, he enjoys sittng in my lap while I'm TRYING to read a good magazine...

somethings are constantly in progress around here...
my sewing room ~

it's small,
but it has beautiful natural light,
is upstairs from the front room where our woodstove is,
so the wood floor is toasty on my stocking-ed tootsies
it's my favorite room in this old farmhouse...

but, like everything else I do~
I like to change things up quite often, and as I mentioned in my previous postings
I am cleaning & preparing for the Holidays...
which to me means changing the curtains to my white ones to let in more light,
and putting alot of our everyday items to make room for our favorite holiday collectibles & such.

and at this time of year, when we're all so busy, it really pays for me to get more organized!
So I've been playing in here, in between printing & shipping what orders I can ~
by the way, I truly appreciate your emails of concern regarding the CRASH of 2011, and am so thankful that you all have patience with this situation & with me in general!
~ I did talk with the computer-guy this morning,
and it doesn't sound good...fried motherboard or some-such nonsense that I don't have time to try to understand....
I have had great feedback from folks out there that use & LOVE their Apple (MACS) and it looks as though that will be what's on the horizon for me...perhaps Dear Old Santa will place two under the tree this year? One for me and one for Hannah as she'll need one for college as well....
oh well, one step forward, two back...
I have ALOT of work ahead of me but
as I said,

some things never change...

Hoping you all have a loverly November afternoon!

blessings from the farm,


oldgreymare said...

Make sure and order on line and get the student discount. It is usually at least 100.00 and I think maybe free or reduced MAC care, a godsend for first time users.

Dogwood Farm said...

I love that photo of Iggy in the cradle!! What a life!
I hear Mac's are great!!
Yes, student discounts sure do help.
Best Wishes,

cucki said...

hello lori, i really love the picture of iggy in her sweet..
lots of love and best wishes xx

TheCrankyCrow said...

You Iggy is positively cativating - I mean captivating...What a sweetheart the way he lays in his cradle (yup - "his," no longer "yours")....Mine would probably be curled in a ball in it - but Iggy is humanoid! Love him....And your sewing room - it looks like a little piece of heaven to me....Have a wonderful weekend....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Nancy in MT said...

That is the sweetest picture of Iggy, too funny. I can't let my two see that picture, and I thought giving mine their own heating pads was spoiling them. That is what they are here for, to spoil and delight us.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I just found your blog through oldgreymare and am completely and utterly smitten!

marly said...

What a ham your boy is. Your sewing room is so old farm house wonderful. Perfect.

Raymond Homestead said...

Love the picture of Iggy in the cradle, so sweet!

My Colonial Home said...

And I thought my kitty was spoiled..but his own Just too sweet.
Your sewing room is wonderful - doesn't look smalish to me


Blue Turtle said...

Iggy is so cute. You must have a loving relationship with your cat. Nice post.

Jeavon @ Interior Design

Sycamore Moon Studios said...

Darling photos. I am hoping for the day when I can bring my dog to the studio. She would love it!

Chris said...

I love these pics of Iggy!