Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hello Annie ~

Miss Annie came 'home'
to Notforgotten Farm yesterday ~
to live with us while Charlie gets better...
here she is!
Hi Annie!
 she seems happy, curious but a bit nervous
(to be expected)
but otherwise she's okeedokee :)
pretty girl
the 'Others' that live here with us had mixed reactions to her ~
Lazy doesn't mind a bit
(um... as long as she stays in that cage a little longer)

"oh. hey cat."
 Buddy welcomed her in his own unique way ~
by serenading her with a snore...

Daisy & Pinocchio are very interested in meeting her,
and since they are ~ well then Lazy had to perk up a bit too.

"HI new CAT!"
 Minew reacted the very same way I thought she would:
exit, stage left.
("great....I thought i was the princess around here ~ now I have to train a cat? ugh.")
 and because Iggy is in the house...
Annie isn't.
we want Annie to be an outdoor cat with Minew.
Ig wants nothing to do with either of them
and lets me know this by the thrashing of his tail
his direct, straight run under the bed....
a blur of Ig.
I'll be heading up to the hospital to bring Charlie his newspaper and help him with his shave.
then I'll head back home to work on my finished items for our upcoming show.
Hoping you all enjoy this absolutely wonderful taste-of-Autumn day we're having here
on the farm...couldn't be nicer out ...
 I just put in my order for this kind of weather for the show next Saturday!!
*Blessed be, my Friends*
 ~ Lori ~


Patti said...

Hope Annie settles in and Charlie heals quickly! Whenever I see your lovely menagerie my heart smiles! What did Mr. Peaches think? My heart just skipped a beat! My book is "out for delivery"! I think I will go sit on my porch until it arrives! :)
Blessings, Patti

Rebecca said...

Hmmm, A Calico?... Orange & Black... How fitting! What a cutie!

Jane said...

Hope everyone settles in well. I look forward to seeing you next week. We've missed you and the critters!

Debra Wortman said...

Annie looks just like a cat named "Colors" who once owned me. She was lovely, affectionate, and had several litters of multi-colored kittens. I received your book today, and I am delighted! I can't seem to decide which project to start, but each page is pure eye-candy! Many Thanks!

Jennifer said...

What a pretty new cat and how kind of you to take her in while her owner is ill.

C M Designs said...

Lori, you're being an "angel of mercy" to Charlie and his kitty. How blessed Charlie is to have a friend like you.
I love to see pictures of your animal family..
Blessings to you and Charlie.
Charlotte in Virginia

linda said...

Annie is a beautiful very lucky kitty to find a peaceful home such as yours while Charlie heals. Love the hair on the tips of her ears. She will learn like Minew that gentleness abides in your home.