Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Sunday, August 04, 2013


I HAD to postpone the release of the new patterns and frames.
I know...please don't throw things at me.
it's just that the frames for 2 of the designs weren't finished drying ~
on the bright side,
they are AWESOME!
we will be releasing them tomorrow eve at approx. 6:00 pm our time (VA)
I have 4 folk art paintings on canvas
that are ready to be added to our etsy shop,
(2 large, 2 medium)
along with the 5 new cross stitch designs and three accompanying frames....
again, sorry....
(and the scissors have absolutely no relevance to this post...I just wanted to get your attention)
I'll go eat worms now.
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


Unknown said...


It's ok - now I can go to bed! I will be by computer around 6 tomorrow!

Probably harder on you than us! (maybe)

Cannot wait to get home to meet you...


Unknown said...

We can't be upset with you,Lori...bless your heart for trying to get it done...can't rush drying paint...will be looking at 6 tomorrow for wonderful things by Lori and Peter.


Debra said...

Umm...please don't eat's OK, we'll all be fine. I received the 28ct linen yesterday, and I love it! Thank-you, and I am planning to stitch one of your designs on it.

Lori Ann Corelis said...

You are so funny!
Patience is a virtue & worms are protein!

Barb said...

Please, don't eat worms!! We can wait till tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Oh, I's so sad about it...I don't know the time between Italy and your country but I will wait patiently....

Chris said...

You are forgiven. I am looking forward to tonight and seeing everything :)

Nancy Bauer said...

Awww, don't eat worms! Gosh I haven't heard that for a long time, we used to use that saying (no body loves me, everybody....guess I'll go eat worms) Teehee...We all love you and will look forward to this evening release...enjoy the day :)

Pat said...


Robin Hager said...

With all the rain, the worms are nice and juicy this time of year! We will wait patiently for the arrival of the new goodies :)

queenmum said...

Worms? my students would say. No need, no need. Just remember..."the best laid plans of mice and men"...
I will be waiting at 6:00, and I thank you for letting us know what happened. So glad it wasn't that you were dealing with anything serious.

Jodi S said...

Boo Hiss ... No really, no need to eat worms. I am sure we will all be OK. Can't wait to see everything!

Sweet Sue said...

hey lori, ever hear eating worms is good for stitchers with aging eyes? me neither, just wanted to pop in and say hi. LOL:)