Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday monday ~

Happy Monday afternoon my friends ~
I am hoping that you are enjoying a bit of the cooler weather that we've been having here in the south ~
although, Mizz Flea says we will get hot again tomorrow...
I'd rather it didn't!

and let's keep those folks in CA in our prayers ~ those wildfires are nasty!
scares me to death...

while watching the news, and movies, and youtube, and browsing Pinterest...
i've been working on the designs below:

almost finished with these ~
 the square 2 will become new patterns for our pin keep bases, as mentioned in an earlier post,
and the other 2 I have no clue as to what they'll end up being!
ever done that?
just start working on something with no real plan as how to finish?
to be honest, I just drew them up on the weavers cloth because I had room for 'something' else and hate to waste an inch of anything :)

I did finish another little pendant too, and will offer this one on Ebay this evening ~
the little W I T C H pendant on Ebay at the moment is ending in 2 days, I wanted to put another up before it ends ~

bittersweet & key pendant
 I love choosing just the right little button, buckle or finding for my things ~
I have a nice collection of junk and love to root through & dump out my many (many) jars of stuff.

I have jars that hold bone buttons, white buttons, black buttons, brown buttons ~
rusty pins, rusty bells, rusty wire...
jars full of thread spools, empty spools and just thread.
I love apothecary jars and have them filled with wool, string and old millinery flowers...
and I like to keep them out where I can see them:

a corner in my sewing room ~

inspiration under glass

Thanks so much to everyone for their kind words regarding my book coming out ~
and to those...who have pre ordered.

 I will leave the link up on my sidebar for easy ordering for you ~
remember, if you'd like your copy signed/personalized, 
I'm happy to ~ just let me know you do :)

Have a beautiful & quiet (of what remains) Monday friends ~

Lori from
 Notforgotten Farm


Unknown said...

Wonderful your Witch pendant I like so much punch needle but I never try to make it... Your sewing room is just a perfect place to stitch create and sew !

kelley said...

what sweet inspiration your sewing room is...and just when I was certainly ready to sell my punching tools you have to make these perfect little pieces...

NMK said...

Love your new little works of art !!! Your workroom looks so cute...I really like the pretty glass jars filled with little treasures !!! So pretty !!!

Lori Ann Corelis said...

Thank you for all your sharing . . . and making our days even prettier!


Unknown said...

Beautiful works~ as always! And what a lovely studio you have!