Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00

Join us for our 2024 Halloween Open House & Stitch In    October 5th ~ 10:00 - 4:00
~ Our Pre-Registered STITCH IN is FULL ~ BUT there's plenty of sweet & spooky things to see and shop for!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

{ Lavender Days }

"There's a few things I've learned in life...
Always throw salt over your left shoulder, keep rosemary by your garden gate, plant lavender for good luck, ...and fall in love whenever you can." ~ from the movie Practical Magic.
Today was our Lavender Wand class ~ taught by Nancy Bauer.
We have been looking forward to this class since February!
nancy brought us all bunches and bunches of her lavender, essential oils and an herbary booklet...

Nancy also brought along some of her herb-infused goodies ~
bacon/lavender mini quiches garnished with pepper-y pansies,
 rosemary pound cake with lemon herb butter,
and hibiscus and lavender lemonade...

 I baked honey-sweetened blueberry cornbread with lavender glaze,
and made pink lemonade, pomegranate green tea and fresh mint water.
 Nancy began our class by telling us a little about the herb,
and showing us how to handle the stems.

...stripping the leaves off the stems makes them easier to manage ~

we bundled & tied up our lavender bunches,
then bent the long stems back over the flower heads ~

"Lavender is for lovers true, Which evermore be faine;
Desiring always for to have
Some pleasure for their paine:
And when that they obtained
have The love that they require,
Then have they all their perfect joie,
 And quenched is the fire."~ (Handefull of Pleasant Delites, 1584)

little Minew wanted to come in, but instead Nancy made her a little catnip toy to play with :)

"My dear, have some lavender,
or you'd best have a thimble full of wine,
your spirits are quite down, my sweeting."
~ (A Beggar on Horseback, 1798)
 here's what my bundle looks like before weaving...

we each chose a length of ribbon to weave into the stems ~
purple, white, brown & black ribbons were used.

Mr.  Peach came out for a visit,
 and approved of our merry-making..'s my finished wand ~
I chose black ribbon.
I'm very happy with the way it turned out ~
so pretty & simple.


Minew approves....
my Thanks to all who came out today & shared the class ~
my Thanks to Nancy who shared her knowledge...
Nancy will be back to teach us how to make wreaths,
...healing salves and sleep pillows!
I'll keep you posted on when those classes will be ~
Lori from
Notforgotten Farm


linda said...

Lori our blog is always such a delight to read! From AZ I am soothed by your lavender wands!

backporchcarver said...

I was so surprised when I read your blog this afternoon. I spent the early part of the afternoon doing exactly the same thing with a bunch of lavender I got from my neighbours garden. I love them and am making them for all the girls in the family for Christmas stocking stuffers, as we try to keep the majority of the gifts hand made.And the house smells so nice.

Kathy Barrick said...

Absolutely wonderful!!!! How I wish I could have been there. xoxox Kathy

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh my sweet goodness!! I LOVE these!!! How I wish I could have learned how to make them!!! Love little Minew....!!! Sorry I have been so long gone, but things....well, they happen. Trying slowly to pull myself up outta the big, black, hole..... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Cindy at Mountain Hollow said...

I had a great time as always. Fun and good laughs. I love my new lavender wand. Give Minew a hug for me....

Lady Locust said...

Lav. wands are so wonderful. Don't you just love them? It looks like a fun day:)

Sandra said...

Looks like so much fun and to be able to smell lavender all that time must have been wonderful.

Jonette said...

Thank you so much for such a wonderful day! Enjoyed learning how to make the pretty lavender wands, eating some of the delicious food, laughing with a great group of ladies and buying some new stash! Thanks to Nancy for sharing your talent. Looking forward to the next class.

Jane said...

What a lovely way to spend an afternoon!! Good food, great company and learning something new! I WILL practice to perfect my technique. Thanks, Lori and Nancy for another new and enjoyable experience!!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

What a fun day!!! I've been wanting to make lavender wands forever ~ been trying to grow lavender but just can't seem to do it. Beautiful wand!!! TFS
Prim Blessings

Deb said...

Oh my gosh, your studio must have smelled heavenly! How I wished I lived closer so I could join you all, beautiful wands and a wonderful feast as well. What a perfect day!

Susan hemann said...

Wish I lived near your shop!

denise said...

sounds like bunches of fun! would have loved to been there.denise

Cindy said...

I will have to try making one of these.....not expecting it to do so well when I planted it, my lavendar has gone crazy!

Louise said...

What a fun day!

NMK said...

What lucky Gals to have spent such a Fun day creating, eating those yummy looking treats, and just having a great time !

Jennifer said...

Your shop is lovely and the wand-making looks like such fun. But of course it is the photos Minew that capture my heart!